Could you survive a war?
Could you survive a war?
this quiz will test you to see if you could survive a war or how far you would make it!
this quiz will test you to see if you could survive a war or how far you would make it!

How old are you?
have you had experiences with guns?
Do you know how to use a gun?
Do you know hand to hand combat?
have you ever seen a person die?
Do you fear death?
Scene: your comrade/friend gets shot in the leg if you dont help them they could die from blood loss! however they are in the open if you ran to help them you could die as well. what do you do?
How do your friends describe you?
have you ever wounded someone?
Final question! how determined are you to fight for your country, not knowing if you will win or lose, not knowing that you may die or live, not knowing if you will be forgotten or remembered?
you would die straight away
you would die straight away
you're to caring and innocent to survive a brutal war. you dont know how to use a gun, even if you did your not good with it. you probably would die from behind or from a sniper from above, or possibly a grenade.
you would die in the middle
you would die in the middle
you know a thing or two about fighting and guns but not enough experience to defend yourself. you did your best to defend those around you and yourself but you probably would all end up dying.
you died with honor
you died with honor
you died with honor! you did your part in the war! you partially took care of your and friends while keeping your eye out for danger and killing any enemy that came your way. sadly you probably would of died from an ambush from the enemy, dont worry your name will go down in history!
your a survivor!
your a survivor!
your are a survivor! you may or not have amazing gun experience but you know how to use them or most weapons especially hand to hand combat. you did what you knew to survive no matter what even if it meant leaving your friends, family and comrades behind you! You will always be remembered!