Which HTTYD dragon are you?
Which HTTYD dragon are you?
All the main dragons, as well as Razorwhip, Stormcutter and Rumblehorn!
All the main dragons, as well as Razorwhip, Stormcutter and Rumblehorn!

Pick a colour:
Pick an element (out of these):
What would be your fighting style?
Do you believe in dragons?
Which word describes you best?
Pick an image that you feel connected to:
Your ideal holiday would be...
Will you share this quiz with anyone?
Night Fury
Night Fury
You got a Night Fury! You are secretive, strong, and you make a great companion. You are slightly introverted, but you love to have a good time with your friends. You are very protective of your loved ones. You're a free spirit and you don't like being told what to do.
Deadly Nadder
Deadly Nadder
You got a Deadly Nadder! You are fashionable and proud, and you love strutting your stuff. You are always on trend and you love to fit in with your friends. You try your best to be noticed for your looks but sometimes you can be temperamental and fussy.
Monstrous Nightmare
Monstrous Nightmare
You got a Monstrous Nightmare! You are hot-headed and temperamental, and enemies had better look out if you are cross! You have been known to overreact but you are loyal to your loved ones. You have a mischievous streak and you don't like being told what to do.
You got a Gronckle! You are a bit slow but you're a very sweet person. You have a tendency to forget stuff but when motivated you are unstoppable! You would do anything for your loved ones.
Hideous Zippleback
Hideous Zippleback
You got a Zippleback! You are constantly bickering with yourself or someone else and you love needless destruction. You're not the brightest sparkle in the pond but you are loyal to the end. You're a bit clumsy but that doesn't stop you!
You got a Stormcutter! You are wise and knowledgeable, and you can tolerate a wide range of annoyances. You know when to walk away from a situation and what to do to help your friends. You can, however, be so focused on your goal you forget to relax.
You got a Rumblehorn! You are brave and strong, and you have been known to charge into situations headfirst, often without thinking. You are determined, and once you have your mind set on something, it's impossible to stop you. You aren't the sharpest sword in the rack but you are stubborn and determined and won't give up.
You got a Razorwhip. You are dangerous and you don't trust people easily, but when people get to know you, you are a fierce ally and a great friend. It's hard for you to be stealthy but you are fast and agile.