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What dragon tribe are you?

Created by Lynxael (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 15, 2018
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What do you think of pets?

What is your favorite animal out of these?

Do you like cats or dogs?

What is unique about you?

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Who are you loyal to?

What is your favorite season?

  How much do you love food?

How would you prepare/plan for attack?

How much do you like jewelry?

What is your zodiac sign?



You're an IceWing! IceWing's hold a high, strict profile and tend to be very elegant and formal. They have excellent eyesight, enjoy colder temperatures, breathe an icy, deadly death breath, and are typically slender in appearance. They also have serrated claws, said to feel like four slashes in one. This is quite a powerful dragon, and are usually quick witted and great problem solvers! One of the finest dragons out of the seven.



You're a NightWing! NightWings are very loyal to one another, and can usually hold great powers such as mind reading, or foretelling the future, when born under the full moon. They breathe fire like most, and have a venom-like-saliva that can wound and possibly kill prey after a few days. They live in and around the volcano's, so their scales have a high resistance to lava and fire.These dragons are mysterious and powerful, so be proud to be one!



You're a SeaWing! These dragons live in the oceans near pyrrha, and cannot breathe fire, but their additional powers make them unique in other ways.Their tails are thicker for whacking and creating huge waves, and to breathe underwater, they have gills going down their necks. They have the best night vision, and since they cannot talk under water, SeaWings have their own language called Aquatic.They use patterned scales to speak this language, that ranges from their tails, wings, arms and legs, face, underbelly, and necks. These beautiful patterns glow in the dark. Take delight in being a SeaWing!



You're a SandWing! This dragon resembles a scorpion,with its barbed tail and sandy colored scales. Their barbed tail is filled with a deadly poison, that can only be cured with a special cactus plant in their territory, and the sail down their backs are a unique feature only in these dragons, along with their black eyes. Even though their heads are small, they hold another powerful weapon: their ears. SandWings have excellent hearing! They tend to be sly and quiet, but some are friendly to other dragons. And believe it or not, this tribe is musical! They love open spaces, considering they live in the desert, and have festivals from time to time. Hope you're satisfied with your result!



You're a RainWing! These elegant, gorgeous creatures are very different from the other dragons. Their scales tend to be very vibrant, resembling the birds of paradise, and are made for the trees, since they live in the tropical rain forests. They eat plants and fruit rather than meat, and have a deadly surprise hidden in their mouths. Two large fangs full of venom. Better yet, they cam camouflage and change colors according to their moods! Although these creatures seem powerful, they are extremely peaceful and live in harmony. They tend to be mistaken for being lazy and stupid, because they sleep a lot, but this helps them to be brighter, friendlier, and less hungry. They call this sun time. Take pleasure in being this magnificent dragon!



You're a SkyWing! SkyWings are fierce, strong dragons, looking similar to RainWing's. Their scales are typically red or orange, with curvy horns! These dragons are quite powerful. They're the fastest fliers, considering their massive wings, and have powerful fire abilities. Sometimes they let their temper slip, but are well organized dragons. They love the open skies, living in the mountains and forests of pyrrha, and are the only dragons with a battle arena. SkyWings are outgoing, strong willed, tough, and prideful, and even though they are a bit smaller than most of the dragons, are one of the best fighters. Take pride in being a SkyWing!



You're a MudWing! These gentle giants are not the strongest in brain power, but the sweetest and most powerful in combat. MudWings aren't as strict or mean, but more of free and caring. Their brute strength can lift trees and giant boulders, possibly even dragons,which helps greatly in combat.Their scales can range from earthy colors,with some golds, and they resemble crocodiles more than anything. They like to bury themselves in mud! Although that sounds gross, they have a secret: mud helps them heal faster. They live in the swamps of pyrrha, and in the muddy areas near the ocean. Their tribe is unique, because their families are their siblings. The largest dragon called the Bigwings cares for the siblings, and they have an unwavering loyalty to each other! Take joy in being a MudWing!

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