Hellyeah: Lyrics
Hellyeah: Lyrics
How well do you know the lyrics of Hellyeah songs?
'Complete the lyrics' and 'What song' type questiopns.
How well do you know the lyrics of Hellyeah songs?
'Complete the lyrics' and 'What song' type questiopns.
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Drink Drank Drunk: "...Let's get F*cked Up! ______"
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Moth: "...always thought I was human, but maybe I was wrong_______________"
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Hush: "...The nose to nose; _______"
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"...living nearby_________"
"So many things, I didn't say..." comes from which song?
"I'll put my faith into our heroes that fight until the war is won" comes from which song?
"When I'm dead and gone..." is from which song?
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Alcohaulin' Ass: "...a little bit tired, _____"
"Live your life, soaking up all my sunshine...and smile your whole life..." is from which song?
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You Wouldn't Know: "...Thunder's rolling all around me, _________"
"Life's too short to be sober..." is from which song?
"Breaking knuckles with a ruler..." is from which song?
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Sangre Por Sangre (Blood for Blood): "...innocent victims. __________"
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Hell of a Time: "These sons a b*tches, ________"
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Hush: "...like a secret closet, _______"