Which US Party Should You Vote For?

The 2068 election draws upon us! With surprising opposition victories in the midterms, it seems that the day of the American Moderate Party's fall from power may be fast approaching. Politics are becoming ever more present on people's minds, and it's time to find out where you fit in!

Created by Mach (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 9, 2016

How should the U.S. water supply be managed?

Should Synthetic Intelligences be granted legal rights?

Should open elections continue?

Do you consider yourself a patriot?

Do you believe that some cultures or people are better than others?

Does capitalism help more than it hurts?

What is the role of religion in politics?

Should investment be made to reclaim regions damaged by Climate Change, like the Florida and Louisiana coast?

How do you think the government should respond to the recent anti-government protests?

How do you weigh social norms and personal freedoms?

How should the U.S. align itself in world politics?

How should body modification technology be handled?

Is marriage a bond between two people, or a form of corporate association between two or more people?

What are your feelings on the May 31st Revolution?

What is your opinion on Augmented Nervous Systems?

Should people be allowed to own handguns?

Is socialism a better alternative to capitalism?

What is more important, free expression or community enrichment?

What is your opinion on the Water Riots?

Do you believe that the President should appoint Department Secretaries?

How should electronic stimulants be regulated?

What is the greatest threat America faces today?

Do you consider your self, Left-wing, Right-wing, or in-between?

Do you consider yourself pro-establishment or anti-establishment?

Who do you plan to vote for in the 2068 election?

Liberation Party

Liberation Party

You are a Libertarian! You believe that a free people requires freedom from want and freedom from fear. You also believe that workers should own their workplaces, and that social and technological progress is beneficial. The real problem with America is government, and the technocratic regime must fall. Will this fight end by the ballot box, or will it take a Third American Revolution to see freedom and socialism stretch from sea to shining sea?

Municipalist Party

Municipalist Party

You are a Municipalist! You believe in traditional values and strive to create a participatory, organic society. You reject progressivism and modern culture, and believe that we ought to learn from our heritage to reshape the world. One day, you hope, that people will see the light, and dissolve the artificial and tyrannical union to form a confederacy of sovereign city-states.

American Moderate Party

American Moderate Party

You are a Moderate! You believe that the government is doing the best it can, and that change or revolution will destroy the country. You also don't trust democracy or populism to heal this country, and that only through firm and wise leadership can America be great again. You hope that the government can fend off civil unrest and restore the peace.



You are a Transhumanist! You believe that technology is the cure to the human condition, and that through progress we can create a new humanity. You also believe that Synthetic Persons deserve equal freedoms to organic ones. You hope that your party can bring freedom and autonomy to all people, and that the new world is better than the old.



You are a Theodomist! You believe that God is the real ruler of mankind, and that all must bow before him. You also believe that we can overcome the barriers that separate people from God and each other through the abolition of capitalism. You hope that one day the world can be united as a Christian Marxist brotherhood, until Christ one day comes again.



You are a supporter of the Truth About White Genocide Party! You believe that the Aryan race is superior, and that white Americans should form their own country. You also believe that religion and other superstitious cancers ought to be abolished. One day, you hope that you will follow your Leader, Dillon Rodarte, to a glorious pure future.

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