What Mantra Should You Adopt?
What Mantra Should You Adopt?
Mantras are powerful. Which one do you need in your life?
Mantras are powerful. Which one do you need in your life?
What is your sun sign?
Are you more of an introvert or extrovert?
Which of these negative emotions do you feel most often?
Which of these traits do you admire most in other people?
Do you already have a mantra or two?
I am enough
I am enough
Meaning: You are a wonderful human being and you don't need to change. You were made this way for a reason.
Useful For: Bullying, self-hatred, self-doubt.
I am worthy
I am worthy
Meaning: You deserve magic and miracles. You deserve your dreams to come true.
Useful For: Manifestation, self-doubt, unworthiness, self-hatred.
We are all one
We are all one
Meaning: We are all just energy and our energies are all connected. So if you hurt another, you are hurting yourself.
Useful For: Jealousy, hatred, unfriendliness.
Everything happens for a reason
Everything happens for a reason
Meaning: Bad things happen in life so we learn to be strong, grateful, and happy no matter what is happening around us.
Useful For: Depression, sadness, control freaks.
What is past cannot be changed
What is past cannot be changed
Meaning: What has already happened can never be changed, but you do have control over what your future holds.
Useful For: Attachments, sadness, regret.
I have all that I need
I have all that I need
Meaning: Everyone and everything you need in your life is already in it. You have everything you want, you just have to take the time to notice it.
Useful For: Ingratitude, rebelliousness.