Are You White, Gold, Black, Or Silver?
Are You White, Gold, Black, Or Silver?
Are you precious like gold or maybe mysterious like silver? Take this quiz to find out!
Are you precious like gold or maybe mysterious like silver? Take this quiz to find out!

On a Friday night, you are most likely........
When you went to school (or if you still go to school), you would have considered yourself to be.......
What kind of books category do you enjoy to read
One of your best qualities is..............
Which picture caught your eye first?
If you could eat one of these foods NOW, what would you eat?
If you were stranded on an Island in the middle of nowhere, what would you bring?
Pick a hairstyle
People describe you as.......
Lastly, choose a cute picture :)
You are Gold!
You are Gold!
You got Gold! You love being around people and you are very social! Everyone loves you and just being around you can bring smiles! You express your feelings very creatively and you are kind and friendly to almost everyone. (Except those who are rude to you!) When someone is rude to you, you most likely get annoyed. Be happy! You are precious, you are Gold! And don't forget to STAY GOLD! Xoxo :)
You are Silver!
You are Silver!
You got Silver! You are very Mysterious and you like to keep mostly to yourself. You can find being alone very enjoyable and can like it better than being around others at times. People most likely think of something mysterious when they think of you. Be happy about this! You are the beautiful, cooling color Silver! Xoxo :)
You are White!
You are White!
You got white! You are very kind to most people, but you are also shy and you like to keep to yourself. This is a great way to be! You are very respected by almost everyone you meet, and of course, you respect them if they respect you. Never be afraid to stand out to new people, though. Remember that! Xoxo :)
You are Black!
You are Black!
You got Black! You go with almost everything, so you don't really stand out. Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes not. Try to stand out a little more sometime! Don't be afraid of the world! Show your true colors! Xoxo :)