Which Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Character Are You?
Which Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Character Are You?
It's a miracle!
It's a miracle!
Created by Madeline (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017
Choose a location in New York
Chose a color
Do you have a secret to hide?
Describe yourself in one word
Choose a weekend activity
Choose a show to binge on Netflix (That's not Kimmy Schmidt...)
Kimmy Schmidt
Kimmy Schmidt
Hash brown, no filter!
Tituss Andromedon
Tituss Andromedon
But I already did something today!
Lillian Kaushtupper
Lillian Kaushtupper
Do I need to shoot anybody for you?
Jacqueline Voorhees
Jacqueline Voorhees
It's called outside in living.
Xanthippe Voorhees
Xanthippe Voorhees
Dwarfs do not let you sleep in their houses without expecting something.
Dong Nguyen
Dong Nguyen
In Vietnam, Kimmy means "penis".
Cyndee Pokorny
Cyndee Pokorny
Just tell them were mole women.
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On Nov 18, 2021