What Type Of Bender Are You?
What Type Of Bender Are You?
I was tired of trying to find a quiz that accurately told me what kind of bender I would be from Avatar The Last Airbender, so I made my own. Hopefully, you can finally know the truth, just like I can.
Also, this is just the four basic elements, Water, Earth, Fire, Air. All the other bending types, like blood, lava, energy, and all that come along with the type of bending that you get. Like, if you're an earth bender, there is a chance that you can be a metal bender, ect.
I was tired of trying to find a quiz that accurately told me what kind of bender I would be from Avatar The Last Airbender, so I made my own. Hopefully, you can finally know the truth, just like I can.
Also, this is just the four basic elements, Water, Earth, Fire, Air. All the other bending types, like blood, lava, energy, and all that come along with the type of bending that you get. Like, if you're an earth bender, there is a chance that you can be a metal bender, ect.

What is the first thing you notice about a person?
What is your worst habit?
What is your greatest weakness?
What is your greatest strength?
Door or Window?
Choose the item that entices you the most?
An individual attacks you, but you don't know what kind of bender they are. What do you do?
What do you want to be remembered by?
You start a new class, and the teacher isn't the greatest. You realize that the teacher is being biased against just you. What do you do?
What frightens you the most?
You're traveling to Ba Sing Se, and you encounter a sick man. You only have enough supplies for yourself. What do you do?
What tempts you the most?
How do you see yourself?
Which path?
Your two close friends get into an argument. What do you do?
There is a woman hanging onto the edge of a cliff. She just burned down an entire village, killing three children in the process. Do you save her?
"Water is the element of change." -Iroh
Waterbending is the ability to control water in all of its various forms. This type of bending is used by people of the Northern and Southern Water Tribes, the Foggy Swamp Tribes, and the United Republic, each with their own bending style.
Water is in a constant state of change, causing those who bend the element are also in a constant state change. Waterbenders' are flexible individuals, constantly flowing with the motions of life. They are also strongest when the moon is out, seeing as the moon was the one who taught the first waterbenders.
Waterbenders are kind, but there is a limit to there kindness. Like water, there is a point was flowing water freezes into ice, or when it boils into gas. Although they are kind individuals, they will stand their ground, and are formidable foes in a battle.
"Earth is the element of substance" -Iroh
Earthbending is the ability to manipulate earth and rock in all of their various forms. Earthbenders are prevalent in the Earth Kingdom and the United Republic.
Earth is the most stubborn element, meaning that in turn, the individuals that bend it are even more so. But Earthbenders are not just stubborn. They are also diverse, incredibly strong, and extremely enduring. They are patient as well, always waiting for the right moment to strike.
However, Earthbenders are not always as patient and they seem. If they have a point that they want to get across, or something to prove, they are not afraid to let others know. They are bold, and don't care of what others think of them. They believe in what they deem right and true, and nothing can change their mind.
"Fire is the element of power" -Iroh
Firebending has the ability to control fire. It is unique among the bending arts, as it is the only one in which the bender can generate the element from themselves. Firebenders reside in the Fire Nation, as well as the United Republic of Nations. In the Earth Kingdom, there is a small minority of firebenders.
Fire is the element of power, consisting of overpowering force tempered by the unflinching will to accomplish tasks and desires. Hence, a bender that wields fire shares the same traits. Firebenders are overwhelmingly ambitious, doing anything they can to accomplish the goals that they have set in place for themselves. Their emotions are enhanced, meaning that when the feel, they feel greatly.
During the war, this ambition was warped into something negative through hatred. But as the events of the war passed, Firebenders began to revert back into their natural sense of self.
"Air is the element of freedom." - Iroh
Airbending is the ability to control and manipulate air. Airbenders reside as peaceful nomads, utilizing this type of bending in their four Air Temples, Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western.
Air is the element of freedom. The Air Nomads detached themselves from worldly problems; finding peace and freedom in the life they live. But not all airbenders detach themselves from the world around them. Today, they can be found mingling with other benders. However, the peacemaker inside of them has not disappeared.
Airbenders avoid conflict, hoping to solve problems around them as quickly as possible, even if it means sacrificing their own well being in the process. They are known to be kind, and also quick witted, finding fun in almost every situation. But when pushed to solve a conflict, with no other way around it, they resolve it as peacefully as possible.
But don't get an airbender angry, they are not always as forgiving as they seem.
What Type Of Bender Are You?