What Alice In Wonderland Character Are You?
What Alice In Wonderland Character Are You?
Always wondering what part you would play in the old, crazy classic? Well, here is your chance to find out!
Always wondering what part you would play in the old, crazy classic? Well, here is your chance to find out!

If you had to live anywhere, where would it be?
Favourite color?
RP time! You are walking down the street and you see a poor boy being hit by bullies, you...
More RP! You are in school when a fire alarm goes off, you....
Ok last one! Your friend would be...
You're Alice! Not only are you curious, rebellious and have a completely CRAZY imagination, you are also sweet and a very interesting person to hangout with. Your curiosity leads you to go through the rabbit hole and beyond, which makes you the best person to hangout with. You are a caring and (a little) crazy friend. Rebellion dominates has a small but very important side of your personality. Like little things in life, you believe that fate has no control over you and that only you control your path in life. Although you do doubt yourself, remember that, in the end, you slay your fear! Not the other way around. :)
Mad Hatter
Mad Hatter
You're that Mad Hatter! You are crazy, crazy, crazy! Not only do you LOVE your ( who are also crazy) friends, but you are also bold and pretty smart. Many people underestimate you, before they find out who you are under those silly remarks: A softie that will do anything for his(her) friends( even die for them.) At the end, you stick by the people you love most defending them till the end ( even if it includes a few silly remarks of yours)
The Red Queen
The Red Queen
You're the Red Queen! Ok so maybe you're a little bit of a tough one! You have quite the temper yet you can keep your cool at times. You treasure love the most even though your friends list is limited. Although you show a dark side to almost everyone, only the closest people know your true self.
Chesire Cat
Chesire Cat
You're the Cheshire Cat! Shy and mysterious, you may not be the first one to blurt out the answer. When around people, many don't even notice you're there because you're so quiet. But, when you do speak, it is valuable information or a comforting sentence to the friend in need. You have no time for trifle things like crushes or gossiping. You mostly spend time in your room contemplating life. You aren't always beside your friends or loved ones, but whenever they are in need, you always appear beside them.
You're Absolem! Always at the top of the class, you know everything that is happening everywhere and every single answer the teacher fires at you. Everyone asks you for advice on almost everything but that does not mean you get involved in everything. Mostly, you like to spend sometimes alone, reading a book or talking with your closest friend. You don't have many friends because you always speak the truth, even if it hurts someone's feelings. Yet, when trouble comes, you gladly help those in need, offering advice on what to do. A great problem solver and a fast thinker, you may not be happy with yourself, whether your looks or your personality. Just remember, you're like a caterpillar, destined to become something greater.
The White Queen
The White Queen
You're the White Queen! Always gentle to all things, many people may think you are too kind. Rarely do you get angry or hurt, always optimistic and willing to do anything to make the world a better place. Whether you work at a community center or helping a puppy find it's owner, you are always at work doing whatever you can to help others. You are not really fond of gossipers, but you may join their talk once in a while. You have many friends, some may be a little "off-the-top" but you like them that way. At the end, you are the encourager, always helping others find their talents, although you may not yourself. A hard worker, you aren't always the smartest in the class, but at least you have the everlasting kindness in you heart.