Which Committee is for You
Which Committee is for You
Just joined the Chamber? Trying to figure out how to get involved with one of our committees? This quiz will guide you to the right place!
Just joined the Chamber? Trying to figure out how to get involved with one of our committees? This quiz will guide you to the right place!

Which of the following best describes you?
Which of these jobs would you prefer?
How would you describe your work style
Which of these do you tend to share the most?
Would you call yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
How much do you know about the Downtown Chamber?
My favorite Chamber Event is...
Welcome to events! Join others who are equally as creative, social, Type A and detail oriented. Use your skills to bring events alive for the Downtown Chamber
Are you a political junkie? A handshaker and problem solver? Then advocacy is for you!
Well hello there, DSM die-hard! Do you like to win? To promote the community you love? Welcome to your haven - Membership!
Are you the number 1 DT Chamber fan? Welcome to the ambassadors, your role is to share your energy, smile and helpful hints to spread the word.
Do you exist in the big picture? Do you check your various social media's before you do anything else? Well, then marketing is probably for you.