What type of eater are you?
What type of eater are you?
There are 6 types of eater. When you know which type you are, you can learn which methods will work best for you to manage your weight and get results.
There are 6 types of eater. When you know which type you are, you can learn which methods will work best for you to manage your weight and get results.

Do you eat quickly and finish before others?
Do you think about food all day?
Do you overeat in secret?
Are your children or partner overweight?
Do you think salad is healthy, including coleslaw and dressing?
Do you prefer crunchy foods like crisps, nachos, apples, popcorn, french bread?
Do you have sugar cravings?
Do you eat food when you are lonely, bored, or sad to block your emotions?
Do you no longer recognise when you are full or hungry?
Do you sabotage your diet every time you come close to your ideal weight?
Do you think cheese is good for you, and pizza is a balanced meal?
If you have sugary foods in the house are you able to save them for another day?
Do you prefer chewy food like toffee and beef jerky?
Do you prefer to eat on your own, and do you eat differently when eating with others?
Is your excess weight predominately around your middle?
Do you think that either bread, potatoes, milk, or cereal are good for you?
Do you feel anxious and uncomfortable when you are slimmer?
Are there foods that once you start eating you cannot stop until you have finished them?
Would you find it hard to be without chocolate, sweets and biscuits?
Do you eat whatever food is in front of you, even if you are not hungry?
Do you still buy bigger clothes and keep your fat clothes?
Do you think that food labelled as low sugar or low fat must be healthy food?
Do you eat something after an argument?
Can you eat something so fast, that when its gone you realise you didn't even enjoy it, or even taste it?
Sometimes, do you have cravings for salt, sugar or fat?
Do you shed the same approximate weight every year and put it back on again?
Do you finish everything and always clear you plate?
Do you count potatoes as one of your servings of vegetables?
Do you eat if you feel tense or wound up?
Do you eat when under pressure?
Do you find it hard to waste food or throw it away?
Are you more comfortable when your body is covered up and uneasy when its on show?
Do you think that fruit juice, fruit bars and canned fruit are as good as fresh fruit?
Do you want to eat carbs when you are sad?
When you were a child were you made to finish your meals?
Do you celebrate you weight loss by resuming eating foods you have denied yourself?
Do you cram food into your mouth and eat it so fast you neither taste it or feel full?
Do you feel agitated if you have to wait for too long for food to be server in a restaurant?
Do you believe that certain foods can make you feel better?
Do you always find situations to eat; e.g in the car, on a train or at the cinema?
Addictive Eater
Addictive Eater
You are an ADDICTIVE EATER because you crave sugary foods, caffeine, junk food, colas and refined carbohydrates, as you are addicted to the chemical composition of these foods. These foods stimulate you to want more and so you find it hard to resist them and you are not satisfied by only eating a little of this type of food. When you eat chemicals, fat and sugar, the pleasure centre of the brain releases dopamine, that gives the same high as drugs and alcohol.
Addictive Eater:
To change your addictive behaviours, you need to change the words you say to yourself. This gives your body the messages you want it to respond to. The mind learns by repetition so keep telling yourself daily what you want and change your relationship with food forever. Here are some examples of what you need to tell yourself. You can also visit www.thinforever.co.uk to download your unique hypnosis recording today. Play it for at least 21 days to change your neural pathways and conquer your mind.
I can eat whatever I like, but right now I don't need it.
I can recognise which foods are addictive, and I love saying NO to them.
Sugar is not food.
I am choosing to be slim and healthy.
I am doing this for me and no-one else.
I feel better without sugar in my diet.
I am ready to do this now, because I want to.
I love the feeling that I am now in control.
I am choosing to eat like an adult.
Emotional Eater
Emotional Eater
You are an EMOTIONAL EATER because you eat to feel better. You tend to eat when you are lonely, sad or bored and you find that these feelings are temporarily satisfied, sedated and even tranquilized when you eat refined carbohydrates. Foods like cakes and ice-cream can comfort you as they remind you of childhood.
Emotional Eater:
To change your emotional triggers, you need to change the words you say to yourself. This gives your body the messages you want it to respond to. The mind learns by repetition so keep telling yourself daily what you want and change your relationship with food forever. Here are some examples of what you need to tell yourself. Adapt the phrases to suit the specific foods that affect you. You can also visit www.thinforever.co.uk to download your unique hypnosis recording today. Play it for at least 21 days to change your neural pathways and conquer your mind.
Chocolates aren't special. I am special!
I don't need cake or sweets to trigger happy memories.
Biscuits aren't love, and they never can be.
I am choosing to eat foods that nourish me, because I am special.
I have power over those foods and they have nothing over me.
I am an adult and I can choose what I eat.
I am worth it and I matter.
There are no restrictions.
Habitual Eater
Habitual Eater
You are an HABITUAL EATER because you eat at every occasion and you eat everything put in front of you, whether you are hungry or not. Its likely you were made to eat everything on your plate, when you were a child, and now your are conditioned to continue this unnecessary habit.
Habitual Eater:
To change your habitual patterns, you need to change the words you say to yourself, repeatedly, making old behaviours unfamiliar and new positive habits and behaviours familiar. This gives your body the messages you want it to respond to. The mind learns by repetition so keep telling yourself daily what you want and change your relationship with food forever. Here are some examples of what you need to tell yourself. You can also visit www.thinforever.co.uk to download your unique hypnosis recording today. Play it for at least 21 days to change your neural pathways and conquer your mind.
I am calm and relaxed around food.
I can eat whatever I want when I want.
I am an adult, able to choose what I want to eat.
I am not a child fighting for food.
I can leave food on my plate, because I have the power to do that.
I eat calmly and get pleasure from savouring the taste.
Misinformed Eater
Misinformed Eater
You are an IGNORANT EATER. You most likely live primarily on diet foods and diet drinks but still have a weight problem. You eat a lot of convenience foods in the belief that they are as good as home cooked foods and you have been completely brainwashed by food manufacturers.
Misinformed Eater:
One great thing you can do to move you away from choosing unhealthy food is to change the words you say to yourself, repeatedly. This gives your body the messages you want it to respond to. The mind learns by repetition so keep telling yourself daily what you want and change your relationship with food forever. Here are some examples of what you need to tell yourself. You can also visit www.thinforever.co.uk to download your unique hypnosis recording today. Play it for at least 21 days to change your neural pathways and conquer your mind.
• Low calories ready meals are not healthy
• Fresh, homemade food is healthy.
• Low fat foods often contain more sugar and are not always healthy.
• Crisps are not a good snack.
• Nuts, seeds, bananas are good snacks.
• Take away food is not healthy.
• Fast food, sweets, cakes are occasional foods, and not to be eating regularly.
• Low calorie sodas are not healthy
Destructive Eater
Destructive Eater
You are a DESTRUCTIVE EATER and you probably have a deep-rooted need to protect yourself by hiding your sexuality. When you look attractive to others or smaller you feel vulnerable and unsafe. Destructive eaters often feel nervous that they may not get enough food if they can’t serve their own food, or can feel panicked if the food is to be shared.
Destructive Eater:
To stop sabotaging yourself, you need to understand what the purpose of your weight is. To let go of this excess fat, ask yourself whats its function? Does it keep you safe, does it keep you insulated, does it give you permission to hold yourself back, does it stop you feeling vulnerable? Change the words you say to yourself, repeatedly. This gives your body the messages you want it to respond to. The mind learns by repetition so keep telling yourself daily what you want and change your relationship with food forever. Here are some examples of what you need to tell yourself. Choose the ones that work for you. You can also visit www.thinforever.co.uk to download your unique hypnosis recording today. Play it for at least 21 days to change your neural pathways and conquer your mind.
I don't need to be bigger. No one can bully me now.
I am not vulnerable when I am lighter.
I am not a helpless child.
I am reaching my ideal weight, whilst feeling safe and secure.
The need to be physically big is over.
I can be slender and strong.
Now that I am an adult, I am free to stop growing.
Angry Eater
Angry Eater
You are an ANGRY EATER and will often eat after a fight or an argument. You like to eat food you can crunch like crisps or apples, or tough food like think bread and chewy meat. Chewing hard on food can release stress and tension.
Angry Eater:
To stay in control of your negative emotions, you need to achieve freedom from the bad habits you have developed. Become used to expressing your emotions out loud, so that your body does not have to express it. Using food to push down feelings, doesn't work. Change the words you say to yourself, repeatedly. This gives your body the messages you want it to respond to. The mind learns by repetition so keep telling yourself daily what you want and change your relationship with food forever. Here are some examples of what you need to tell yourself. Choose the ones that work for you. You can also visit www.thinforever.co.uk to download your unique hypnosis recording today. Play it for at least 21 days to change your neural pathways and conquer your mind.
I understand my feelings and I deal with them.
I can express myself, so that my body doesn't have to.
I forgive the past and let go the excess weight and the unexpressed anger at the same time.
I am free to have a fit, healthy body.
I am lovable, and I can nourish myself by things other than food.
Food is not love.
I do not need to compare myself to others. I am unique.
Balanced Eater
Balanced Eater
Well done you are a BALANCED EATER and have a well adjusted attitude towards and behaviour around food. To make the great choices you are making effortless you can still create some great mantras in your head such as “I choose to eat healthily, it is easy for me”