Which Retro Arcade Game Are You?
Which Retro Arcade Game Are You?
Are you game for this retro personality quiz?
Are you game for this retro personality quiz?

What is a taco incomplete without?
Which form of communication do you prefer?
Do you like surprises?
Which flavor of cough syrup do you wish existed?
Which of these 2015 hits would be your fight song?
Which of the seven sins are you most guilty?
Frogger (1981)
Frogger (1981)
You are Frogger! You are always up for the challenges of life and to meet them head-on and heart strong. Though the river of life might be rough and tumultuous at times, there is always a log for you to leap on, and you are never ever afraid to make that jump. Keep your chin up and your eyes on the horizon, you are going to arrive where you're destined to be.
Street Fighter (1987)
Street Fighter (1987)
You are Street Fighter, which of course means that you have a fighting spirit! Whether you believe in fighting with your battles with your fists, your words, or you prefer to abstain from conflicts entirely, you have a fighting spirit within your heart. It is what drives you in all of your goals and keeps you oriented on the path for success. You strive to be the best that you can be and this drive will you lead to to bigger and better things. Keep on fighting for your dreams, you are bound to win the battle one day.
Space Invaders (1978)
Space Invaders (1978)
You are Space Invaders! You are are meant for travel, to see the world and know it well for all of its intricacies. The world is a book for you to read and you are destined for chapters. You must keep yourself open to all of the opportunities that are presented to you, learn to say yes to things you would normally be hesitant for you. It is important to step outside of your comfortable zones on occasion in order to allow yourself to grow as a person. Grow as a person and you will achieve great things.
Q*bert (1982)
Q*bert (1982)
You are Q*bert! You are an explorer at heart, someone who enjoys the many adventures that life has to offer. You express your need for exploration through your reading of novels and watching of films. You allow yourself to live an adventurer's life through the safety of home. One day, you shall lead the life of a true adventurer, in land's unknown and with people unlike you. It will be wonderful. You just have to accept the call of the wild when it rings for you.
Donkey Kong (1981)
Donkey Kong (1981)
You are Donkey Kong! You are somewhat misunderstood as an individual as you can come across as quite reserved or aloof, when in reality, you are eager to please everyone. You are truly a friendly person who simply finds it difficult at times to talk to those you are unfamiliar with. Try getting comfortable speaking with unfamiliar people. The conversations you could have may surprise you. New friends and new experiences are just around the corner. It only takes twenty seconds of insane courage to achieve something that is life-changing.
Pac-man (1980)
Pac-man (1980)
You are pac-man, everyone's favorite yellow and ever-hungry fiend. You are clever, cunning, and unstoppable. If there is an obstacle in your way, it doesn't take you long to figure out the solution. If your obstacle is a maze, sure you could easily make your way through it, but why not knock down those walls? You are an innovator, a mover, and a shaker. You are ever-hungry, and the world will come to know your name!