Which Russian Word Are You?
Which Russian Word Are You?
These silly sounding words leading to some silly answers!
These silly sounding words leading to some silly answers!

Out of these options which would you prefer on a summer day?
Which sticker would be your top used when texting?
What are you most likely to do at a party?
What is your ideal vacation with friends?
Which puppy looks like an ideal napping buddy?
Which row of popsicles would you choose?
бульканье (bul'kan'ye)
бульканье (bul'kan'ye)
The Russian word for gurgle is бульканье (bul'kan'ye). It sounds like Bull Kanye which is an interesting mental image. Kanye is iconic and besides being a famous musician, he is known for his outrageous stunts at the VMAs and general aura of superiroirty ("My music isn’t just music — it’s medicine")- imagine all of that crazy packed into the package of a rage filled bull? That is you in a nut shell. Unpredictable, unimaginable, something the world didn't know it needed to fear until now.
помидор (pomidor)
помидор (pomidor)
The Russian word for tomato is помидор (pomidor). This pronunciation sounds similar to the hairstyle pompadour and therefore leads to an interesting tomato/puffed up hair combination which would be horrific in any interpretation. Have tomatoes begun sprouting a stylish hairdo? Are men styling their hair with tomato paste? Are men sprouting tomatoes from there scalp? The possibilities are many and all equally unappealing. As the Russian word for tomato, you are a highly creative individual with mastermind capabilities.
непостоянный (nepostoyannyy)
непостоянный (nepostoyannyy)
The Russian word for fickle is непостоянный (nepostoyannyy) which sounds like something that one would scream, in any possible situation that one would scream.
Your pig just won first prize at the local fair? "NEPOSTOUYANNYY!"
You finally managed to say "The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" six times without becoming the sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep which was sick? "NEPOSTOYANNYY!"
Life is falling apart and you have no one to blame but life itself? Shake your first at the sky and scream "NEPOSTOYANNYY!"
As the receiver of this word, you are someone who is always enthusiastic even for the little things.
ямочка (yamochka)
ямочка (yamochka)
The Russian word for dimple is ямочка (yamochka) which is pronounced like someone choking on a yam. Person A asks person B what they're eating and in the midst of person B's reply, Person C mentions that Beyonce is outside the room looking for all of the single ladies and thus, "yam-OCHKA" is born. As the person who received this as their word, you are someone who loves surprises. For you, surprises are to die for.
кипения (kipeniya)
кипения (kipeniya)
The Russian word for boiling is кипения (kipeniya) which when pronounced sounds like someone scolding their tiny puppy named Kipeniya. The pronunciation is drawn out like someone is really frustrated at their puppy which keeps eating leafs but is also overwhelmed with how cute their puppy is when it eats leafs, "Kipeniyaaaaa!" As a person who earned this word, you are someone who is easily won over by puppy dog eyes (both literal and metaphorical).