What Does Your Least Favorite Game Of Thrones Character Say About You?
What Does Your Least Favorite Game Of Thrones Character Say About You?
Which character in season six do you loathe the most?
Which character in season six do you loathe the most?
Which of these season six characters do you absolutely loathe the most?
You're Always Kind Whenever Possible.
You're Always Kind Whenever Possible.
You are painfully embarrassed whenever anyone you're with is unkind to a waiter or a salesperson. You've become the master of apologizing with your eyes. Whether they're a friend, foe or stranger, you're one of the best at killing with kindness - and you usually mean it. You can't handle how unbelievably rude Tarly is and it makes you cringe when he's on the screen.
You Value Honesty More Than Most
You Value Honesty More Than Most
One of the biggest requirements for your friendship is that people are honest. Your trust is extremely valuable and you won't take things like this lightly. Littlefinger drives you insane with how two-timing he can be. You never can know when he's telling the truth and you know he's always going to be causing problems for all of Westeros.
You Are Extremely Sensible
You Are Extremely Sensible
You're never the type to lose your temper over the small things. You know how to handle yourself and you never let yourself get too worked up, especially over non-issues. You'd never let yourself fly off the handle like Ramsay does, especially when his fits tend to cause explosive - and deadly - consequences for any unfortunate soul in your path. One of the most impressive things about you is how rational you can be.
You HATE Violence
You HATE Violence
The Red Wedding gives you chills just thinking about it. You can't stand the violence in that episode and it bleeds over into other things as well. You're not a fan of violence in media, and you cringe every time you read a news story about someone getting hurt in any way. Walder Frey infuriates you, especially with how he handles the Robb Stark situation (including the animal violence).
You Suck At Lying
You Suck At Lying
Lying is not even kind of one of your talents. You also hate how easy it is for The Waif to wear different faces and tell different stories. You are honest almost to a fault and can't lie to save a soul. People who can lie well make you nervous - and possibly envious - but it's disarming to never know what is real and what isn't, which is exactly what the Waif embodies.
You Are Very Open Minded
You Are Very Open Minded
You're always open to hearing different points of views and ideas. The High Sparrow being so rigid in his beliefs is irritating to you, especially when it comes to cause rifts in between others. Being close-minded is not something that you are okay with, and you've seen evidence of it creating major issues in between people, whether in media or with people you know in real life.
You Are Very Close To Your Family
You Are Very Close To Your Family
You'd do anything for your family, and probably your friends as well. You value people close to you and there's no question of your loyalty to those you love. You'd all but take a bullet for your family (if not literally) so it baffles you how Euron could betray his own family like he did. You'd never turn on your family like he did, even if it managed to win you a crown in the process.
You Are Very Strong Willed
You Are Very Strong Willed
You aren't swayed easily and are not one to give in to pressure. Lancel gave in to Cersei and obeyed her every command and then swayed under pressure to join the religious order. You are the opposite: you stand firmly in what you believe in and, while you may try to keep an open mind, you also are determined to remain true to yourself and the ideals that make up who you are as a person.