Which Game Of Thrones Character Should Be Your Mentor?
Which Game Of Thrones Character Should Be Your Mentor?
Do you need someone to help sharpen your wit, build up your courage or strengthen your loyalty?
Do you need someone to help sharpen your wit, build up your courage or strengthen your loyalty?

Jon Snow
Jon Snow
Jon Snow will be the perfect one to be your mentor and guide you through life. He has been on a long - and truly painful - journey to figure out who he is. However, he never lost sight of who was important to him and he tried his damndest to do what was needed to look out for those who looked to him. He'll be the one to help strengthen your loyalty and make the hard decisions.
Tyrion Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Ah yes, Tyrion is the one to help you out. Do you need help with public speaking? Or speaking in general? Granted, he has many years of studying under his belt but he'd be the one to learn if you want to develop both your mind and your wit. These skills can help with both a job and relationships, as Tyrion may be starting to learn as he embarks on his new adventure.
Lord Varys
Lord Varys
Alright, Varys may not always be the greatest example in some ways, but what he can teach you is resourcefulness. He gets information and, often times, the outcome he wants. While his level of ruthlessness may not be aspiration-worthy, his networking and ability to utilize things to their full potential are rather impressive. And when it comes to a job, an internship or even just general education, those are important things to be good at.
Arya Stark
Arya Stark
Talk about determination! Arya would be perfect for anyone who needs a lesson in perseverance and strength. She may be a tiny person powered mostly by vengeance, but she has a force about her that can inspire even the most quick-to-give-up of spirits. While you may not want to use these skills to knock names off your "to kill" list, there's no doubt this could benefit in the long run.
Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen
All hail the queen of leadership! When watching, it's so easy to forget just how young Dany is when you realize just how many people follow her. She's learned so many essential qualities of how to be a just leader that it can help anyone to follow in her footsteps, whether it is wanting to be a leader or a manager in a workplace or become a better head of the household.
Samwell Tarly
Samwell Tarly
Sam may be one of the most ill-suited people for the Night's Watch but you have to admit that he has some pretty serious strengths. He has a unique combination of courage, kindness and desire to learn. If you're looking for someone to inspire you to better yourself, or maybe your education, Sam can basically be your patron saint of the Game of Thrones universe.