What Angel are you?

Trying to find your angel- what you will become after death.

Created by Maia (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 6, 2015

Are you evil?

Who would you pick to run the world?

What is evil?

What kind of person do you think you are?

Which one?

Which one is more evil?



You are a fierce opponent, bent on taking down your demon foes.



Sorry, you're not gonna be a angel after life... try my demon quiz?

Guardian of Heaven

Guardian of Heaven

A loyal protector, you will eternally guard your allies in heaven.

Average angel

Average angel

While you are an angel, you're nothing special. Nice job getting into heaven though!

Supreme angel

Supreme angel

You are light and life, ruler of most heaven. Congrats!

Fallen angel

Fallen angel

You will experience a short time of angelic life before falling down to earth, an outcast.

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