Are You More Alison Or More Mona?
Are You More Alison Or More Mona?
These liars are not always included, but we all know they are the best. A good show is not complete without the perfect villain. So who are you? mischievious Mona or adventourus Alison?
These liars are not always included, but we all know they are the best. A good show is not complete without the perfect villain. So who are you? mischievious Mona or adventourus Alison?

Which fantasy land would you rather go to?
Black hoodie or Red coat?
What intruiges you most?
Would you rather live in New York or Paris?
Who would you want as your bestie?
What's your best quality?
What's your worst character trait?
Do you often feel like you have two (or more) personalities?
Pick the hair accessoiry you would wear
Pick a pinterest quote that intruiges you or describes you.
Pick the lyric that you relate to most
Pick a Hitchcock movie shown on PLL
Would you rather be the writer or written about?
As we al know Alison can be evil some times, but she knows how to inspire, touch and make people feel special. Alison has a very persuasive, seductive personality, which makes people do whatever she wants them to do. She has a dark sense of humor along with her bubbly, outgoing personality.
Alison thrives on manipulating people to turn the situation to her advantage. manipulative, secretive, devilish and vindictive that’s what people say about her.
Mona has a penchant for mischief. She loves spying on people and finding out their secrets. She hears everything, sees everything and pays attention to the smallest details.
Because of this she’s very smart and knows everything about every one. This makes her a bit of a troublemaker cause she’s not afraid to use people’s secrets as a weapon. She’s really curious and sneaky, because of this Mona is extremely mysterious.