What breed of Werewolf are you
What breed of Werewolf are you
Do you want to know what fierce werewolf you are!!!!
Do you want to know what fierce werewolf you are!!!!

How do you like your meat cooked
What your favorite time of day
What is your eye color or the eye color you wished you had
Where would you live
Which one would you eat
Someone breaks into your house what do you do
You and your friend are fighting what do you do
if you were a werewolf would want to be on 2 legs or 4
Someone getting bullied what do you do
Choose a image
Asian Werewolf
Asian Werewolf
YOU ARE A ASIAN WEREWOLF. This breed look the most like a wolf when it shape shifts. This werewolf is four-legged form of a large wolf with a silvery-grey coat. When it dark there eyes glow white. They have white eyes with small black pupils and their front legs being slightly shorter than there back legs. They are the fastest out of all the breeds and the best tracker as their sense of smell is legendary. There are stories of victims being unable to escape a Asian werewolf even if you move to the other side of the world. You don't have to be Asian to be this breed. You can also transform anytime you want.If you want know more about your breed here a link:http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1460762-Different-Breeds-Of-Werewolves
European Werewolf
European Werewolf
You are a European Werewolf!!!! Your eyes glow green; similar to a snake. In your werewolf form you are hairless but your skin color changes by what color your hair is. This breed is both the largest and strongest and coincidentally, the most dangerous. It is almost the fastest breed as it can run on its fours and stand on it hind legs. if you want learn more about your breed here the link:http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1460762-Different-Breeds-Of-Werewolves
You are a Human!!! Sorry:(
North American Wrewolf
North American Wrewolf
You are a North American Werewolf!!!! You have reddish-brown fur and has the appearance of an upright wolf, which walks and runs on its hind legs. You have a narrow snout, tall ears, and night vision.here the link if want read more about your breed:http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1460762-Different-Breeds-Of-Werewolves
Lokoti Werewolf:Sorry if you were a girl :(
Lokoti Werewolf:Sorry if you were a girl :(
You are a Lokoti Werewolf!!!! Your fur color depends on your hair color or genetics and eye color depends on genetics. This breed looks the most human in werewolf form because the maintain there human shape. There muscle expands in size as there increases. There eyes glow different color (e.g brown eyes turn blue, yellow or silver). There weapon they use to hunt is there enlogated teeth and claws. If you want to read more about the breeds here the link:http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1460762-Different-Breeds-Of-Werewolves