What is your tailed beast
What is your tailed beast
This quiz will discover your true inner beast or should i say tailed beast 2-6 tails are not in the quiz as i could not have enough slots but still you have the rest.So let's begin
This quiz will discover your true inner beast or should i say tailed beast 2-6 tails are not in the quiz as i could not have enough slots but still you have the rest.So let's begin
Firstly what is your favorite colour?
Between 1-10 Which number do you like the most?
What tailed beast do you want?
What gender?
Which of these words describes you the best?
Favorite animal type?
What would you want your chakra nature to be?
Which of these villages do you want to live in?
You wake up one day and find yourself in total darkness.What do you do?
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Kurama (Nine-Tails)
Kurama (Nine-Tails)
Gyuki (Eight-Tails)
Gyuki (Eight-Tails)
Chomei (Seven-Tails)
Chomei (Seven-Tails)
Son Goku (Four-Tails)
Son Goku (Four-Tails)
Kokuo (Five-Tails)
Kokuo (Five-Tails)
Isobu (Three-Tails)
Isobu (Three-Tails)
Shukaku (One-Tailed)
Shukaku (One-Tailed)