Are You One Of the Less Than 1% Of The Population Who Can See All The Colors On The Spectrum?
Are You One Of the Less Than 1% Of The Population Who Can See All The Colors On The Spectrum?
They're called trichromats. Are you one of these rare people?
They're called trichromats. Are you one of these rare people?
What color is the house all the way at the end of the row on the right?
How many shades of orange do you see?
What colors do you see in these leaves?
How many different color eggs do you see?
What color is her hair?
What color is the balloon behind this orange one?
What color are these artichokes?
What color don't you see here?
How many shades of yellow do you see?
How many colors do you see in the flower on the bottom?
What is she holding?
What color are her eyes?
What color are the straws?
What colors did the girl on the left paint her nails?
What colors are the turtle's spots?
You are probably a trichromat.
You are probably a trichromat.
You are probably a trichromat. You might be one of those rare people who have a fourth type of cone in their eye, which means you see about 100 times more colors than the average person. You can't tell by an Internet quiz, though, so you should talk to an optometrist!
You might be a trichromat.
You might be a trichromat.
You might be a trichromat (one of those rare people who have a fourth type of cone in their eye). You definitely see more colors than the average person. Way more. You can't tell by an Internet quiz, though, so ask an optometrist if you could be trichromat.
You are probably not a trichromat.
You are probably not a trichromat.
You are probably not a trichromat (one of those rare people who have a fourth type of cone in their eye). You've got a good eye for color, though, and probably see more colors than the average person.
You are definitely not a trichromat.
You are definitely not a trichromat.
You are definitely not a trichromat (one of those rare people who have a fourth type of cone in their eye). You probably see fewer colors than the average person. In fact, you might even want to contact an optometrist to see if you might be colorblind.