How Will You Make Your First Billion?

Where will your big break come from?

Malcolm Raines
Created by Malcolm Raines (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jan 25, 2017

How competitive are you?

Are you a saver or a spender?

When you dream about being rich, what do you picture yourself doing?

Have you ever lost money gambling?

Would you accept dirty (or dishonest) money, even if you knew it was wrong?

How old were you when you had your first job?

Do love and money mix?

When it comes to making money, what is your biggest obstacle?

Are you a thinker, a doer or a creator?

Everyone has to start somewhere. Where are you starting from right now?

Finish this sentence: It doesn't matter if I win or lose....

You'll Earn It With Your Talent

You'll Earn It With Your Talent

You'll earn your first billion with your talent. You might not know it yet, but there is a creative genius inside of you. Someone who is going to take the creative world by storm. People will buy your book, or your paintings or your concert tickets. You just need faith, and you need to get to work!

You'll Work Hard For It

You'll Work Hard For It

You'll work hard for your first billion. You'll get your first million the old-fashioned way. You'll work for it. You are the type of person who starts out in the mailroom and ends up owning the whole company. You have a stellar work ethic that will take you far. All the way to the bank.

You'll Make A Deal

You'll Make A Deal

You'll wheel and deal for your first billion. You'll make your money one deal at a time. You've got a knack for making deals and climbing the corporate ladder. You're a mover and shaker who has what it takes to be a huge success in the business world. You just need to get moving!

You Probably Won't

You Probably Won't

You probably won't make a billion dollars. Let's get real. You are not known for your money-making ability. Money is going to have to basically fall from the sky in order to hit your lap. Maybe you'll win the lottery or a rich relative will die. Hey, stranger things have happened.

You'll Marry It

You'll Marry It

You'll marry your first billion. Some people don't make money, they marry it. Is there anything wrong with that? Not really. We can't all be brilliant at business. Just don't sign that prenup!

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