How Would The Dread Pirate Roberts Best You In A Death Match?
How Would The Dread Pirate Roberts Best You In A Death Match?
For Princess Bride fans, death is always on the line.
For Princess Bride fans, death is always on the line.
What feelings does this stir within you?
How would you escape the fire swamp?
In your travels, have you seen a man with six fingers on one hand?
Your opponent bows before beginning the fight. Do you grab his sword?
You only have two slots free in your rag-tag, sure-to-lose, must-win army. Who do you choose to fight valiantly by your side?
How would you survive the zombie apocalypse?
What would you do if your enemy handed you a goblet of wine?
You find your opponent lying in bed. What is your first thought?
Who do you think has the upper hand in this situation?
Do you think of The Princess Bride as a romance, an action adventure or a comedy?
Look carefully at this picture. What could you use as a weapon?
Iocane Powder
Iocane Powder
You never really had a chance. You might be a genius on an inconceivable level, but you fell victim to one of the classic blunders. No, not "never get involved in a land war in Asia," or even the slightly less well-known "never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line." You assumed that your opponent had NOT spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder. And you know what happens when you assume, right?
The Dread Pirate Roberts challenged you to a sword fight. You hot-dogged at first, fighting with your non-dominant hand, but so did he. You are nearly evenly matched and are able to keep up a casual conversation during the battle. At the end, you are bested. Because you'd fought admirably, the Dread Pirate Roberts decides to spare you. You'll wake soon with a bump on your noggin and a new respect for the man in black.
I'll explain, and I'll use small words so that you'll be sure to understand, you warthog faced buffoon. The Dread Pirate Roberts will get you to drop your sword and run just by describing the pain he will inflict upon you when he finally springs from bed. So I suppose this is not really a fight to the death, or even a fight to the pain, but more of a chicken-hearted forfeiture on your part.
It really seems like you are winning for a minute there. Physically, the Dread Pirate Roberts is no match for you and your immense strength. Soon, however, the tide turns away from your favor. You can't explain why you're having trouble with this fight. Maybe it's because you're used to fighting more than one person at a time. No matter. You'll wake soon with an unenviable headache and the faint memory of a sweet dream.
You didn't realize that every time that farm boy said "As you wish" he really meant "I love you," and by the time you did, it was too late. You were a goner: deeply, madly, hopelessly in love. Nobly, he set sail to find his fortune so he could keep you in peasant skirts and milk pails. On the day you learned he died, you died too. then, you seem to be doing a lot of things that only the living do, like breathing, eating, and getting engaged to vile, wart-faced buffoons!