Which One Of Santa’s Elves Are You?
Which One Of Santa’s Elves Are You?
Everyone has a little elf in them. Which one is in you?
Everyone has a little elf in them. Which one is in you?

What is your favorite holiday treat?
Do you ever feel like you don't fit in?
What do you want to be?
Are you a team player?
Do you have a tendency to get other people in trouble?
Are you good working with your hands?
What is your favorite kind of exercise?
Where is your ideal vacation spot?
Do you enjoy helping others?
Choose the picture that best represents your "I'm at work" face.
You Are Snitch Elf
You Are Snitch Elf
As Santa's eyes and ears, the snitch elf keeps track of the naughty and nice list and makes sure it's up to the minute. It's funny that you have time to get in everyone's business because you actually lead a very active lifestyle. You're always getting yourself into the craziest situations. They almost don't seem real.
You Are Party Elf
You Are Party Elf
Whoooo! As Santa's elf in charge of good times and chill vibes, you've got your work cut out for you. You take partying seriously. It's not easy, upping everyone's fun quotient when you're surrounded by people who are jolly all the time. The bar has been set high, but you can do it. If not, you'll just limbo under it.
You Are Misfit Elf
You Are Misfit Elf
Despite being one of Santa's favorites, you have never felt like you fit in with the other elves. You're just as holly and jolly as any of them, but it always seems that while they're jingling, you're jangling. It's okay by you, though. It just means you're special. You love special. Special is your favorite.
You Are Middle Earth Elf
You Are Middle Earth Elf
Santa does not rely on you to make toys or candy canes or feed the reindeer. He relies on you to stand around, looking pretty, spreading wisdom and having the occasional prophetic epiphany. You're quite good at your job. You've been doing it since time was young.
You Are Boss Elf
You Are Boss Elf
As Santa's right hand elf, you are the one who makes sure everything runs like clockwork. If so much as a reindeer's whisker is out of place, or there are too few marshmallows in the cocoa, you are the one who fixes it. In fact, you used to be Fixer Elf, but you got a promotion. Congratulations!
You Are A Dentist
You Are A Dentist
You are not one of Santa's elves. You are a dentist. Can you look at this bicuspid for me?