From Which Region are You?
From Which Region are You?
The Island of Despair has eight regions, each named after a different animal. The culture of each region is as varied as the landscape itself. So are you a lion, fox, hawk, stag, cobra, stallion, crow, or sea dragon? Find out by answering these questions!
The Island of Despair has eight regions, each named after a different animal. The culture of each region is as varied as the landscape itself. So are you a lion, fox, hawk, stag, cobra, stallion, crow, or sea dragon? Find out by answering these questions!

Where would you choose to live?
What is your favorite activity?
"You are so ______" Fill in the blank with the word that would make this complement the most meaningful to you.
Which of these is your biggest fault?
Which job would you most like to have?
Favorite food?
Biggest fear?
What kind of government would you prefer?
Favorite smell?
Which superpower would you choose?
Favorite color?
How many children do you want/have?
Favorite type of dance?
Weapon of choice?
What color hair do you have/want?
What eye color do you have/want?
If you went to jail, which of these would be your crime?
How would you describe your height?
If someone attacked you, how would you respond?
Which region are you most drawn to?
You are from the Lion region! Your physical strength is matched only by your strength of heart. You value courage and honor above all else. Although you are generally laid-back, everybody knows better than to mess with you! You are fiercely competitive and will always push yourself to be better.
The people of Lion are usually blond, but also a large percentage is of African origin. The lions are ruled by a king or queen who is elected by winning the Pride Games. This tournament, held every five years, has competitions of jousting, archery, high jump, long jump, races, melees, dueling, and rock throwing. Knights who win glory in the games can become nobles and join the King's Council. They are all bound by a code of honor that none may break.
You are from the Fox region! When you speak, you always choose your words carefully. You enjoy debates or strategy games such as chess for the joy of matching wits with an opponent. You value cleverness and wisdom more than most people. Nothing makes you happier than reading a good book, unless it's listening to good music.
Of all the regions, foxes enjoy the most freedom. Their wealth is far more spread around, as the taxes are light and free trade is encouraged. Because of this, the foxes are extremely loyal to their king and region. The region is very agricultural. Foxes love to go barefoot and bare-headed, wearing simple, sleek garments. Red-heads, as one can imagine, are quite common. Surrounded by other regions, Fox has had to rely on alliances and trickery to survive.
You are from the Hawk region! You have a tough exterior, but those who know you best will find a true and loyal friend. Nothing makes you angrier than injustice, so you strive for fairness in all you do. You've learned to deal with whatever life throws at you with tenacious perseverance.
The Hawk region is a grassland scattered with branching trees as large as redwoods. In these, the hawks build their homes. Usually, a tree is passed down from one generation to the next. However, at any time, a hawk can be challenged by another to an aerial duel. If the challenger wins, they get to take over the tree. As a result, many hawks are homeless for part of their lives, unless they decide to settle with a simple dug-out. The same principle goes for the leadership of the hawks. The Tree Palace is held by a monarch who can be challenged at any time. But such challenges always come at great cost.
You are from the Stag region! People who don't know you may call you quiet, but your friends know how crazy you really are! You consider your friends as family, and family is the most important thing in your life. You love the outdoors, especially the forest, and could spend hours exploring. A hard-working person by nature, you are able to support not only yourself but also your large family.
Of all the eight regions, Stag is the most mysterious and unreachable. Rarely do the inhabitants venture from their deep forest. From within, however, they form very close-knit "herds" led by a chieftain-like "buck" and his "doe." Every elderly stag is a grandfather or grandmother of all, every buck a father, every doe a mother, and every fawn a son or daughter. Stags love parties. They get together with other herds every month on the full moon to dance, connect with family, and show off skills. Their most famous dance involves leaping over a campfire! Although the stags have been branded "uncivilized" by other regions, they have a rich legacy of culture, story-telling, and epic poems.
You are from the Cobra region! You have been forced to become tough to survive. Some may call you hostile, but the reality is you refuse to let anyone trample on your rights. When you feel like it, you can actually be quite charming. You take pride in yourself, your appearance, and your work.
Living in the hot, rocky terrain of Cobra is no piece of cake, but the people have acclimated to its harshness. The region has only two classes: the rich and the poor. The poor become bond servants or peasants for the lords. Most cobras make a living by trading silks, snakeskin belts, and leather boots. Thus, fathers are often absent on journeys, mothers reign over the households, sons do the hard work, and daughters are married off as soon as possible. Beauty and charm are highly valued. All cobras love to dress in flowering robes with deep hoods. One strange practice is the adding of snake venom into soups and drinks because they like the flavor. They are completely immune the poison.
You are from the Stallion region! You are an out-going person who is quick to make friends. You are very athletic, enjoying frequent runs or other exercises. You pride yourself on your independence which you won through hard work and perseverance. You tend to be very trusting, but no one who breaks that trust can ever get it back.
With no king, Stallion is separated into "city-states" with powerful families in control. Inheritance is very important in Stallion, as all herds and houses pass on to the oldest son, while the younger siblings become helpers. Raising horses is the most respected profession, but cow-herding is also common. Stallion's rolling, grassy meadows are perfect for raising livestock. Stallion's most important holiday is called the Great Release, in which they let certain horses go free. Wild horses are the pride of Stallion, as they symbolize all the strength and intelligence it takes to survive in a harsh world.
You are from the Crow region! You are a very expressive person, spending a good part of your day conversing with friends. You have never been completely broke, because you are careful to save your money. In fact, you find it pretty hard to part with your hard-earned cash! You like to collect pretty or interesting things.
The further one ventures in Crow territory, the more mountainous the terrain becomes. A huge pine forest called Raven's Tangle sprawls out like a dark wall of trees around the capital city, Ravenlocke. It is a prosperous city, full of guilds, artisans, and factories. Most crows make a living by trading goods with other regions. Unfortunately, outlaw bands are just as common. Real crows are everywhere in the region, as the people consider it bad luck to kill them. There's nothing the city enjoys so much as a good rumor, and news travels faster than a wildfire.
Sea Dragon
Sea Dragon
You are from the Sea Dragon region! You are an adventurer and romantic at heart. You love to travel, especially on the ocean. You value art in all its forms: music, painting, and dance. You pursue your dreams, no matter how lofty, and use your talents to their greatest potential.
Sea Dragon is a land of romance and tragedy, of art and song, of lonely fisherman and jolly sailors. There's nowhere they would rather be than on the White Sea, defying the rough elements. Storms are frequent, making sailing a dangerous occupation. But it is their livelihood, as the land is not very suitable for crops. However, they do have rich mines of a black stone, called jinx. The city of Dreken 'Eils holds most of the population except tiny fishing communities. Its network of canals hearkens to Venezuela. A peculiar fish, from which Sea Dragon gets its name, lives in the freshwater streams and lakes. These "sea dragons" swim in packs and can be dangerous as piranhas.