What Mermaid Are You?

Take this quiz and you will find out what mermaid you are!!!

Malina Takai
Created by Malina Takai (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 14, 2015

What Mermaid Tail Would You Have?

What Crown Would You Where?

What Is Your Amulet?

What Bra Would You Wear?

Lastly, who will be your companion?



You're and Erudite! These mermaids are smart they can tell who's a good fish and a bad fish they know everything there is to know!!



You're a Dauntless mermaid these mermaids are rebellious they are on the bad side mess with them and they fisher kick you in the face



You're an Apollonite!!! These mermaids use their charm to get what ever they want!!! These mermaid can be. Alain when they don't get their way



A fish in the sea who is always cheerful!!! She loves hanging out with flounder



Your a what was it again??? Your he exploring kind of mermaid you love to travel to different places and never stop wondering!

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