13 Times Abbey Bartlet Was The First Lady Of Everything

The West Wing had many an amazing character, but the President's wife was a force to be reckoned with in her own right.

Mallory OBrien
Created by Mallory OBrien
On Feb 10, 2017
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When her sweetest-sounding nicknames usually meant she was the most furious.

Or things like this sometimes happened...

She was the master of sass.

And had no time for the President's nonsense.

But she had a hell of a head on her shoulders.

Dr. Bartlet was not one to be messed with.

And she knew the best way to wind down.

Seriously, did we mention the level of sass?

Seriously, only she could talk to the President this way.

She refused to compromise on who she was.

And asked the serious questions.

And she made offers you just can't refuse.

And she managed to tug at the heartstrings with her magnificent relationship with Jed.

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