What Kind Of Facebook User Are You?
What Kind Of Facebook User Are You?
Do you post nonstop or prefer to hide behind likes or comments?
Do you post nonstop or prefer to hide behind likes or comments?

The Lurker
The Lurker
You're not here to post or to make your presence known. You use a social media site for its most interesting purpose: lurking. You know so much about so many people that you're not even entirely sure how it happened. Three clicks and then suddenly you're looking at your ex's sister's roommate's profile.
The Liker
The Liker
The only reason your presence on facebook is noticed is due to your liking abilities. Whether it's a cute video or a fun post from a page you follow or showing support to close friends by pressing that button on every one of their statuses, your name comes up frequently with the phrase "liked this post" on other people's timelines.
The Ghost
The Ghost
So you probably got this back in high school or college because you felt obligated to or thought maybe, just maybe, you'd like to keep up with people you went to school with or worked with. But alas, you just aren't there. Who knows the reason? Maybe you scroll through the feed occasionally or maybe you don't even remember your password...
The Arguer
The Arguer
You aren't here to make friends. You're here to make sure your voice is heard. And why not? You have great points and you're going to make sure that the world knows it. Perhaps you stumble into facebook fights or maybe you start them. It might just be fun for you to play devil's advocate. Either way, when you comment on a post...it's going down.
The Sharer
The Sharer
Either you're determined to share all your instagram posts to your facebook feed or you think that everyone needs to know what you find from other pages. You might be trying to share information about a cause, band or news story that you find fascinating. Or you just think you and your iPhone make an amazing team and frankly, your audience on insta just isn't big enough...
The Poster
The Poster
Every thought you have, every pic you take... Okay, well you have no shame in updating often. Which, let's be real, is probably what you're supposed to do on social media. People never have to wonder what you're up to, because you've already posted a status and two photos that day for everyone to see. You enjoy it. If people don't wanna see it, they don't have to follow!