Is your pain being caused by scar tissue?
Is your pain being caused by scar tissue?
This is a quiz based on 15 years of clinical experience. Give this quiz a try and see if MAYBE the chronic pain you have been feeling is from scar tissue.
This is a quiz based on 15 years of clinical experience. Give this quiz a try and see if MAYBE the chronic pain you have been feeling is from scar tissue.

Have you had past surgeries or traumas that left both a physical and mental impact on you? In other words did the experience leave a long lasting impact on you?
Do you suffer from any chronic type of pain, discomfort or dysfunction? This could be constant or intermittent but consistent.
Does this pain fluctuate from a low grade annoying to at times extremely painful?
Have you been ruled out for any bodily systems dysfunctions listed below?
Have you been told by a therapist or doctor that YOUR condition is soft tissue related?
Relating to question #7. Have you also been told by a therapist and/or MD that it's soft tissue but seem indefinite in regards to what they actually mean? In other words they say it's "soft tissue" but have difficulty in actually pin pointing the root of the location of the problem.
Have you received multiple local treatments on the particular area of discomfort and have received minimal positive results?
In your estimation, how many treatments have you received since you became aware of your pain and discomfort?
From a scale of 1-10; how well have you been following the instructions of the therapist(s) or doctor(s) treating you? "0" being non-compliant to "10" being the MOST compliant.
How many types of therapist have you tried so far?
Have you been given multiple theories as to why you are experiencing pain and discomfort by therapists and medical specialists?
Has any therapist or medical doctor mentioned that your condition maybe related to scar tissue?
Have you noticed that around the area of discomfort there is minimal tightness of the muscles?
Related to question #15. Is there a scar in the location of pain or discomfort?
Are there areas in relatively close proximity to the area of pain and discomfort that seem to be very tight? For example; do you suffer from knee pain but feel that your lower back or hips are very tight to the touch?
Related to question #16. Is there a scar in the location that is very tight?
Have you ever attempted to pull or wiggle the area of the scar? If so how tight and painful was it?
Does it seem like around the area of the scar, there is mild chronic swelling?
Do you recall any recent trauma to the area of pain and discomfort?
Whenever you move or stretch the area of pain and discomfort, have you noticed a "pulling" sensation?
Does it seem like you have decreased range of motion on the side of your body with the scar? This is relative to the opposite side.
Are/were you an avid participant in athletics?
Did you play or do you play any contact sports?
During therapy did your therapist treat other areas that he/she may have believed your pain and discomfort maybe stemming from? What were the results?
Do you know the exact event how your discomfort/dysfunction/pain came to be or did it just "build" over time and you are unsure the cause?
There may be other reasons for your pain and discomfort. Good luck with your search!
High probability that your pain and discomfort may be scar related. It might be time to find a therapist that works with scar tissue.
Very likely that it is scar tissue causing your discomfort. You need further assessment and it is high time to visit a therapist who has strong experience working with scar tissue.