10 Reasons You Should Buy Car Insurance Policy from ShriramGI
10 Reasons You Should Buy Car Insurance Policy from ShriramGI
Buying your own car gives you the best feeling, isn't it? You feel like you earn it and it is worth. At the same time, buying a car insurance policy is equally important because of its mandatory factors. As per the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 every vehicle owner should have motor insurance with them to avoid breach in traffic rules. Owning a car is everyone's dream and maintaining it is yet another challenge for them. Therefore, it is crucial to choose a suitable car insurance plan that protects your car against all damages. ShriramGI offers the best insurance policy for vehicle owners who can get up to 50% no claim bonus. Also various features like cashless claim network, attractive discounts, and interesting add-on. Still, if you are not sure about buying car insurance.
Buying your own car gives you the best feeling, isn't it? You feel like you earn it and it is worth. At the same time, buying a car insurance policy is equally important because of its mandatory factors. As per the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 every vehicle owner should have motor insurance with them to avoid breach in traffic rules. Owning a car is everyone's dream and maintaining it is yet another challenge for them. Therefore, it is crucial to choose a suitable car insurance plan that protects your car against all damages. ShriramGI offers the best insurance policy for vehicle owners who can get up to 50% no claim bonus. Also various features like cashless claim network, attractive discounts, and interesting add-on. Still, if you are not sure about buying car insurance.
10 Reasons You Should Buy Car Insurance Policy from ShriramGI
Buying your own car gives you the best feeling, isn't it? You feel like you earn it and it is worth. At the same time, buying a car insurance policy is equally important because of its mandatory factors. As per the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 every vehicle owner should have motor insurance with them to avoid breach in traffic rules. Owning a car is everyone's dream and maintaining it is yet another challenge for them. Therefore, it is crucial to choose a suitable car insurance plan that protects your car against all damages. ShriramGI offers the best insurance policy for vehicle owners who can get up to 50% no claim bonus. Also various features like cashless claim network, attractive discounts, and interesting add-on. Still, if you are not sure about buying car insurance.
Here you can clear all your dilemmas or doubt -
Owning a car is something everyone wants, but keeping it safe is also a task. Many people like to own a car due to their comfort, convenience, and various other factors. Ensuring protection to your car from thefts and accidents in such a scenario becomes important. The law in India has thus, made it compulsory for all car owners to have insurance for their vehicles. The policy protects the vehicle from accidents and thefts and various other calamities, be it natural or manmade. Having an insurance policy with extensive coverage for your car is highly recommended.
Key Features ShriramGI offers:
Roadside assistance: The most helpful shriramGI car insurance feature that assists you in midway is the Roadside assistance. Imagine you are driving to a destination and suddenly your car stuck in between the highway. What will you do, if you don't have car insurance with roadside assistance? Isn't such a horrifying feeling? To save yourself from such situation you need to have roadside assistance coverage. This coverage helps in towing your damaged vehicle free to the assigned garage.
Third-Party Property Damage: Car insurance with ShriramGI can save you against third party property damage. And, in-country like India you need to have third party liability insurance coverage. It covers you from the legal liability for third party damage.
Cashless Repair: Cashless system has become a lifeline for today's generation who always believes in paying via Paytm, google pay or PhonePe like money transfer applications. Here this car insurance policy feature of Shriramgi helps you paying online without running around for cash wherever you are.
Unnamed Passenger Cover: This is one of the most useful car insurance covers which helps in covering another passenger in your car including your family members and family in case of any mishappenings.
ShriramGI offers Add-Ons too -
Zero depreciation cover: Add-ons are always there for extra coverage and protection. Zero depreciation Add-On is one of them. It is available with almost all car insurance policies. You can widen the scope of more coverage with a comprehensive insurance policy along with depreciation safety. As the insurance company deducts the depreciation from the claim amount, you receive a reduced claim. If you want to nullify the depreciation effect, chose zero depreciation add-on.
Daily reimbursement: With this add-on cover you can avail daily reimbursement as per mentioned in insurer's guidelines. Reimbursement is associated with expenses, and these expenses are related to the cost of daily expenses.
Return to invoice: Return to invoice is another add-on with car insurance that helps to cover the gap between insured declared value and invoice value of the car. It fetches the entire amount of loss incurred therein. Return to invoice gives benefits of invoice value of the car with insurance details, registration fee, and road tax. In this, insurers pay the required amount in case of total loss declared.
Personal belongings cover: With this next add-on cover you can keep your personal belongings safe and secure. This cover will protect you against theft and other damages. It includes car accessories, laptop, or electronic equipment from the locked car.
Key replacement: Here's another add-on i.e. key replacement for you. In case, your key misplaced you can get it replaced with the key replacement cover.
NCB protection cover: No claim bonus is like a reward for those who don't file a single claim because they know how to drive safe and secure. Insurance company appreciates those people as they contribute to safe environment.
Final Words, coming to the conclusion, buying car insurance policy from the best insurance company is a smart decision as well as important. It is advisable to opt the best car insurance policy with various benefits because that will protect you for long.