Are You Batman or Superman?
Are You Batman or Superman?
Batman and Superman. The two most well-known superheroes ever, but which one are you?
Batman and Superman. The two most well-known superheroes ever, but which one are you?

Are you more active during the day, or during the night?
In what kind of environment were you raised in?
Your personality.
Yin or Yang?
Which one of these movies is your favorite?
A group of villains have one of your friends captive in a warehouse, how do you attempt to rescue him?
Do you play by the rules?
How would your friends describe you?
Time to choose a sidekick.
You are a symbol of:
How do you like to learn?
What do you think is more important in a fight?
Iron Man or Captain America?
Money or Superpowers?
Fashion sense.
Why do you fight?
Best on-screen villain.
How is your love life?
What would be your job?
You embark on a team project. What's your role?
What do like the most?
You are Batman. As the Dark Knight of Gotham it is your duty to defend your city, even if if means breaking the law. You are a smart and clever individual that uses the shadows of the night to subdue your opponents. You have a strong sense of justice and you are very vocal about it, but sometimes you have to hide your rage and loneliness with a good sense of humor. Nevertheless, you protect and defend the innocent, and you strike fear into the hearts of the evil and the corrupt.
You are Superman. As the Man of Steel, you have a great compassion towards those who want to do good and you follow in their footsteps. The Last Son of Kripton, you use your great powers to defend the citizenry and bring justice to those who do harm. Ever the boy scout, you have a great sense of morality and you use your strength only if necessary. You are an inspiration to those around you and you lead those who seek to improve themselves.