What kind of man are you?
What kind of man are you?
Are you a bad boy, a family man, or maybe a creepy stalker? Let's find out what kind of stereotype are you.
Are you a bad boy, a family man, or maybe a creepy stalker? Let's find out what kind of stereotype are you.

How old are you (approximately)?
Who's your favorite James Bond?
You're at a bar, and you see a woman that you like. What is your pickup line?
What's your favorite hangout?
Have you ever cheated on your girlfriend/wife?
Have you ever slept with your best friend's girl?
How do you like to dress?
What's your favorite hobby?
Your favorite drink.
How would you describe yourself?
What do you want to inspire in others?
Your favorite movie genre.
If somebody insults you very badly, what would be your reaction?
Which one of these actresses do you find to be the most desirable?
You are being mugged in a dark alley at gut point. What do you do?
Your favorite color.
What are your dreams and aspirations?
Your favorite sin.
Couch Potato
Couch Potato
You are lazy as hell! You'd rather stay at home watching TV, playing video games, and eating potato chips. You hate work and exercise, and you always get out of bed late in the afternoon. You don't like getting out of the house even if it saved your life. Get a job, slowpoke!
Bad Boy
Bad Boy
You're a troublemaker! Girls love you for your mysterious aura and sexy looks. You love action, danger, and the ladies. Leather jackets and cool looking cars are the way to go. Even though you may get in a few troubles with the law. You have a good heart underneath!
Family Man
Family Man
You love family! You're into family gatherings and barbecues. You are a guy who has given up your wild ways to live a more fulfilling life beside your loved ones. You love unity and you have good morals. You would do anything to protect them!
Nice Guy
Nice Guy
You are a good friend! You always lighten the mood and treat everyone equally. You're sometimes shy and quiet, and you can't help but to feel friend zoned at times. You are a reserved but reliable person. Nice guys finish last!
Bible Monger
Bible Monger
You practically live in a church. You love Sunday School and you hang out with your religious peers. Although sometimes you are too dogmatic and you let your naivety get the best of you. You're always trying to "save" people from their "wicked" ways. Take it easy!
Mean Abuser
Mean Abuser
You are a bully! You just love to threaten and intimidate. You believe yourself superior to everyone and you like punishing those who oppose you. You mistreat people both physically and psychologically. You lose control easily and find it hard to restrain yourself. Anger Management!
Good Earner
Good Earner
You're a workaholic! For you is all about success and living a glamorous life. You have busted your butt off to achieve what you want to accomplish, and you never stop and you never give up. Women love you and you are easy to attract. Work. work, work!
Creepy Stalker
Creepy Stalker
You're the jealous type! Envy is your sin and you get mad when someone has more than you. You stalk people so you can get a good idea of what makes them tick and use that againts them. You are obsessed with other people's busyness instead of your own. You sociopath!