Which Sea Mammal Are You?
Which Sea Mammal Are You?
Are you more of a playful dolphin or introspective manatee?
Are you more of a playful dolphin or introspective manatee?

Which ocean would you rather swim through?
Which boardwalk snack would you swim to first?
Do you always need people around you or do you prefer to roam alone?
Have you lived in the same place your whole life or have you moved around?
A shark approaches. What do you do?
What is your favorite part about going to the beach?
What color of coral would you build your home out of?
Pick a mermaid best friend.
Seal- You are fabulous and friendly.
Seal- You are fabulous and friendly.
Seals love their squad. You're vicious to anyone who is trying to hurt your friends, but extremely loving to those who you are close to. You are bright, funny, and well liked. Nothing is impossible when you've got an iced coffee in your hand and you're friends around you.
Orca- You are majestic and feared.
Orca- You are majestic and feared.
There is a reason why people pay thousands of dollars to take cruises to take pictures of you. You're a badass. You're never afraid of sticking up for yourself or your family. Stick to your guns, but also learn to listen and you should be golden. Strength and you're excitement for the unknown are your strong points.
Dolphin- You are cute and playful.
Dolphin- You are cute and playful.
Dolphins are extremely smart. You're never afraid to have a good time and you're gifted at helping others relax. Everybody loves dolphins. Find your true friends and they will stick with you for life. You make friends wherever you go! Just be sure to take some time for yourself every once in awhile.
Manatee- You are a member of the good vibe tribe. You're known for wisdom and being forever chill.
Manatee- You are a member of the good vibe tribe. You're known for wisdom and being forever chill.
You're a manatee, man! You are calm and contemplative. You're never afraid to go solo or enjoy the company of close friends. Introspection and creative outlets are your lifeblood. Never stop being a guru, but also never forget to be silly once in awhile.
Walruss- You are strong and don't budge on things.
Walruss- You are strong and don't budge on things.
You're the animal version of Ron Swanson. You are respected and also feared. Those around you rely on you for your stubbornness and strength. You are tough like a rock, but you also have a soft side. Don't be afraid to laugh a little.
Sea Otter- You are ultra cute and playful.
Sea Otter- You are ultra cute and playful.
Your cuteness aids you in your daily life and you're not afraid to smile. People buy you stuff all the time just so they can see your joy filled reaction. You are walking sunshine and slay haters wherever you go. Keep it classy and keep it fierce.