Which Disney Princess Should Be Your Best Friend?
Which Disney Princess Should Be Your Best Friend?
Which disney girl is your bff? Will you get the nerdy, shy Belle or the wildchild explorer Ariel? Take this quiz to find out!
Which disney girl is your bff? Will you get the nerdy, shy Belle or the wildchild explorer Ariel? Take this quiz to find out!

Which hobby do you have or would you be most interested in pursuing?
Which job would you like to have the most?
Favorite accessory?
Pick an outfit
Pick one
Pick a hairstyle
Pick a tv show to watch
Favorite color? (out of the listed ones)
Where would you go?
Pick a theme for prom
Pick an animal
In your group of friends you are the...
What instrument would you play?
I take risks
Sometimes all I want is to be rescued
I would like to explore the world
Are you more of a girly-girl or tomboy?
Your Disney bff is Ariel! You, like her, love exploring and adventure. You two will have fun times exploring the deep sea and collecting thingamabobs !
Belle would be your princess bff! You and her could be nerdy together and do academic things, like reading and studying. Have fun writing novels and falling in love with monsters who turn out to be super cute hunks!
You are a brave warrior and the perfect bestie for you would be the warrior princess Mulan! You both want to break out of stereotypes and will do anything for the ones you love. You are both quick learners and strong, independent souls.
You and Cinderella are a perfect pair. Just like shoes! You can go shoe shopping together like the most fashionable pair of best friends in the fairytale world! Have fun! (Im so jealous!)
You are a total free spirit, making you the best friend for Pocahontas! You both share a love of nature and animals. You could go on long hikes together and even adopt dogs together!! Awww
You and Tiana would be the best of friends! You're both hardworking women who are willing to stand up for what they believe in and don't need a man to make you happy- but you'll end up getting a cute one anyway. Have fun cooking and baking together!
You and Aurora would be perfect together as besties! You both just want to be rescued and swept off your feet. That's ok- just remember you don't always need romance to be happy. You have stunning beauty and are an extremely kind soul.
Your princess best friend would be Rapunzel! Both of you are super weird, quirky, and perky people. You can adopt weird hobbies together- like hitting people with frying pans.