What Do Your Favorite Things Say About You?
What Do Your Favorite Things Say About You?
What the things you say, do, like, and listen to may attribute to your personality and how others view you :o Emergherd
What the things you say, do, like, and listen to may attribute to your personality and how others view you :o Emergherd
What kind of music do you listen to?
What's your favorite movie genre?
What's your favorite color?
What is your style of dress?
Pick a motto ...
What do you like to do in your free time?
What sorts of things are you good at?
Do you care what people think of you?
Do you care about school/ grades/ your job?
Do you judge people?
Where do you usually buy your clothes?
Do you have many friends/ consider yourself popular?
Rate yourself on a scale of one to ten (10 being the best!) ....
Describe your usual mood ...
Choose a job...
Pick an accessory!
How do you react to people in general?
(LAST QUESTION!!!) How would YOU describe yourself in one word???
Punk/ Rebel
Punk/ Rebel
You couldn't give a crap about others opinions and you're proud of who you are! You enjoy being different and make it a point to stand out in society. You walk with your head high and purpose in your step and you know that you are better than anything people will say about you! You're a bit hardcore, and aren't one for dealing with authority, but you're a good kid at heart. Keep it up, but don't let your outer appearance deter people from meeting you! Let them in and you'll have bunches of friends in no time!
You're bright and unique, with a style all your own. You don't go with the crowd, and it might be because you chose not to or because you never feel as though you fit in. You're sensitive and emotional, and you make yourself aware of other's feelings. You're there to help others, despite any problems you yourself may be facing. Take some time for yourself and don't bottle things up! People love you and would be happy to talk with you! Ya just gotta open up!
Crazy Happy
Crazy Happy
Despite the ups and downs in life, you always manage to stay positive! You give everyone a smile and love hugs and jokes. People often flock to you because of your bubbly and positive personality. You enjoy making others happy and you don't let on when you're feeling down. Positive is your middle name!
You love making new friends and meeting different people! You have a bubbly personality, winning smile, and friendly attitude that allows you to be approachable. You have many friends, and many more who secretly wish they were friends with you :) Remember to still keep your old friends when you meet new people, and don't let go of that stellar personality!
Bossy/ stuck up
Bossy/ stuck up
You can be a bit mean or pushy. Maybe you don't mean to be or don't realize, but your actions suggest otherwise. Try toning down the attitude a notch, and realize that you're no better than anyone else. We're all equal here and you're no exception. Don't put other's down. Get out of those bad habits and I'll bet you'll be a much happier person :)
Mean :/
Mean :/
Why you gotta be so ruuuude? Don't you know I'm human toooo? Okay no let's be serious ... why ya gotta be so mean?! Sure, some people are annoying, and dealing with them can be frustrating, but that is never an excuse to mistreat people! Stop sippin on that hater-ade and be nice for goodness sakes! You never know what someone else is going through :/
Quiet/ Shy
Quiet/ Shy
You keep to yourself a lot and aren't a big people person. The few friends you have are loyal and true and are precious to you. You don't like drama or being in the popular crowd, and you enjoy spending time alone doing the things you love. You're comfortable on your own and very independent, which is extremely admirable! Just remember that you can't keep bottling everything up! Let some people in and you might just be surprised :)
Studious/ Bookworm
Studious/ Bookworm
You care about your success, your schooling, and your future very much! You don't let people, problems, or drama get in your way. While your focus is admirable, you probably feel alone a lot. Let people in and put time aside to do something fun every once in a while! Life shouldn't just be studying and schoolwork! Join a club (book club, perhaps) and meet some people :)