Which Breakfast Club Character Are You?

find out if you're the Basketcase, the Athlete, the Brain, the Princess, or the Criminal :)

Marguerite McGurk
Created by Marguerite McGurk (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 7, 2016

What do you do in your free time?

What's your favorite color?

How would you describe yourself?

How would you describe your home life?

Have you ever been suicidal or wanted to run away? *sorry about the sensitive topic guys* :/

What's your poison?

Have you ever skipped school?

Are you a virgin?

Whats something you've done that you've gotten in trouble for?

Pick a quote :)

What "clique" do you think you belonged in when you were in high school?

What kind of music do you listen to?

select a style of dress....

choose a makeup style ...


Allison (The Basketcase)

Allison (The Basketcase)

You're the kid who makes a point of standing out. You value individuality. Your talents include the arts, writing, and reading. You can be very emotional and stubborn. You often feel misunderstood and ignored, and you have a hard time with your family. You may also feel insecure a lot of the time, and may try to hide your natural beauty from everyone. But don't worry, your future looks bright, kid :)

Claire (the Princess)

Claire (the Princess)

People look up to you. You have lots of people skills and are very popular. You value fashion, and belong to many clubs and organizations. You have a taste for fashion and all things in style. And, you've got a wee bit of rebellious side too ;)

Brian (the brain)

Brian (the brain)

You're a sensitive sweetie. You try your hardest to please everyone, and you hate being a disappointment. You have a family with high expectations, and its hard for you to meet them sometimes. You are highly stressed and academically gifted. There are times when you don't know how to deal with all the stress that's put on you, but you'll be okay, promise. You are very accepting of others, and although you sometimes don't have a backbone, you are overall a well rounded and great person :)

Andy (the athlete)

Andy (the athlete)

You're the cool, laid back, popular kid. You are athletic and very talented. You have a mean streak, though, especially towards people who don't quite fit in. You possess a sort of superiority complex, but you often feel guilty for the way you treat others. You may have picked up these behaviors because of your parents, who often push you and push you. You're becoming more accepting, though, and you're going to use your athleticism and talent to go places kid :)))

John (the criminal)

John (the criminal)

You're a badass. You act like you don't care what anyone thinks about you, but you actually have a sensitive side. You don't let many people in/ find it hard to trust people. You have been through a lot in your life and it has hardened you a bit. You aren't afraid to take risks in life and you know what you want. You live on the rebellious side, but you have a lot of love in your heart, and you're gonna find your way in life soon :)

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