How To Fix HP Printer Says Offline Windows 10 Issue?
How To Fix HP Printer Says Offline Windows 10 Issue?

How To Fix HP Printer Says Offline Windows 10 Issue?
Your HP printer device might appear HP Printer Offline issue if it can’t communicate with your PC. Such an error message pops-up at the bottom right corner of your PC desktop and then you find that whatever the files you tried to print will stop printing. Hence, until and unless you bring your offline printer to online, your printer doesn’t work. So, make it clear that everything related to your printer and computer working fine. You should also check the network connectivity or update the printer driver in your operating system. To get more ideas of making your offline printer to online, read this blog-post.
Solutions To Fix HP Printer Says Offline Windows 10 Issue
Well, you’re not the only person who is bugging by this issue. But no worries, it’s not a tough problem to fix. As a matter of fact, you can easily terminate it by following the methods noted-below.
Method 1: Check Printer Connection
If there is a problem with connectivity or communication problem between your printer and computer, your HP printer gets offline. So, check the connection establishment between both the devices with the help of given instructions. Just have a look at here:
- Firstly, power-off your printer and after couple of seconds power-on your printer
- Now, if your printer is connected via USB cable, then make sure the cable to your printer is well connected to the Ethernet port
- Also make sure the network signal on the printer is flashing
- If your printer is connected via wireless network, then make sure that it’s connected to your PC network properly. The lit-up wireless icon on your printer usually indicates that you’re connected
Check whether you can print or not. If the problem yet persists, continue to the next method.
Method 2: Update Printer Driver
The printer offline problem can be caused due to having installed faulty printer driver in your PC. Be sure the driver you chose for updating is compatible with your variant of Windows 10. Hence, you can update the printer driver and see if this works.
Method 3: Check Printing Status
- Turn off your printer first and after a while turn it back on again
- Press “Windows logo key + I” simultaneously on your keyboard
- Now, click “Devices” and then click on “Devices and printers”
- Right click on the icon with a green check mark and tap “See what’s printing” option
- Click Printer. If you see a tick mark next to the option Pause printing and Use Printer Offline, click on the check-box to remove the ticks
See whether you can print or not.
Still HP Printer Says Offline? Contact Us
Don’t panic! If your HP printer still unable to become online from being offline as we have team of educated and certified tech-geeks working 24 hours 7 days in a week continuously only for you. Therefore, give an instant ring on toll-free number and get united with them hassle-freely.
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