What Do You Need To Know About Food Poisoning in Children

maria dona
Created by maria dona (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 18, 2019
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What Do You Need To Know About Food Poisoning in Children

As a parent, you have to deal with a lot of things like messy diapers and vomits. Even if you are extra cautious, escaping stomach bugs is just not possible. Ultimately, there’s food poisoning. Now that you cannot tell whether it was the daycare’s meal or school’s lunch, what’s the only option you have is getting prompt urgent care.

Usually, children get food poisoning from food and water contaminated with viruses or bacteria. Anyone could easily get it but children below five years of age are more prone to food poisoning. The reason being their immune system which is not strong enough to fight germs yet. Additionally, children don’t have much stomach acid, which not only breaks down food but also eliminate foreign element like germs.

What are the symptoms of food poisoning in children?

Typically, the symptoms of food poisoning show up from 30 minutes to 2 days after consuming tainted food or water. To predict food poisoning, you can expect one or more of the given symptoms:

●Cramps and pain in the belly
●Upset stomach
●Throwing up

How to treat food poisoning?

Generally, no treatment is needed except for some precautions. But it is a good idea to talk to the pediatrician. After explaining the symptoms, you will be cleared if it is food poisoning or how serious is the situation. The pediatrician will also brief you through do’s and dont’s.

For the case, your child can’t hold down fluids and is regularly throwing up, or you seen any signs of dehydration, take him to the hospital, without delay. He will get an IV to recreate the balance of electrolytes by replacing the fluids that he has lost after throwing up.
How to take care of your child at home?

Dehydration due to food poisoning is common in children than adults as they are small. What you have to do is keep your child hydrated with plenty of fluids. Rather than giving them milk or fizzy drink, treat them with small amounts of breast milk periodically, in the case of infants. For older babies, give them water and juices from time to time.

Also, avoid giving them solid food until their belly settles down. Let them eat only when they feel like eating, start with non-fatty food like dry cereal and rice. Make sure to give them complete rest.

Instead of giving them medicines from the pharmacy, take them to a minor emergency clinic in SA, if their condition doesn’t improve and need immediate medication.

Author’s Bio – The author is an online blogger. This article is about food poisoning in children.

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