Can you guess the museum?
Can you guess the museum?
These museums are in popular places, AND they are popular museums.
These museums are in popular places, AND they are popular museums.
Created by Maria Galyonkina(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 1, 2017
What museum AND place is this? ( hint, the language.)
Well well well... looky here. Some ULTRA popular museum, I'll be disappointed if you fail.
Where does this Mr. Lion live? Which MUSEUM?
Probably somewhere where he is on a flag.
Oooh, you GOTTA guess this last one.
Well done! All places guessed!
Well done! All places guessed!
I wonder how you knew... AHA! These are popular places, I suppose you visited them?
Well, nearly there...
Well, nearly there...
You are close to the answer, you can try again.
WHAT! Who could have failed this?!
WHAT! Who could have failed this?!
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