What song is your theme song?
What song is your theme song?
Find out which song should be your theme song.
Find out which song should be your theme song.

What music genre do you usually listen to?
How would you describe yourself?
Which outfit do you prefer?
Which photo reminds you of your childhood most?
Choose your favorite nail art.
How others perceive you when they meet you for the first time?
Are you a dreamer or realist?
What is your biggest weakness?
What is your favorite quote from these options?
What is your biggest strength?
Which is your favorite band from following?
Imagine dragons: Dream
Imagine dragons: Dream
These lyrics are made for you! You are deep and thoughtful. You are creativity and a dreamer. You've had ups and downs but you still keep going no matter what. You are great at giving advices and people can always count on you.
Fall out boy: Save rock and roll
Fall out boy: Save rock and roll
Listen to the lyrics. You are strong-minded and edgy, but you're also friendly and smart. Your friends can trust you and have great conversations with you.
Fall out boy: I don't care
Fall out boy: I don't care
Like the lyrics say: You couldn't care less about what people think about you. You're the leader not the follower. You might be sometimes stubborn and don't always listen to others. You are confidence and you have strong opinions about things. And you're the life of the party.
You me at six: Win some, Lose some
You me at six: Win some, Lose some
You are clever and a fighter! You have the guts to do what you want. You are strong and independent but still everything doesn't always go to the way you planned but you still refuse to stop fighting. This song is really your theme song.