Wie oft wurdest Du schon wiedergeboren?
Wie oft wurdest Du schon wiedergeboren?
Hattest du bereits ein Leben in der Vergangenheit? Und wenn ja: wie viele waren es und wie beeinflussen sie dein derzeitiges Leben?
Hattest du bereits ein Leben in der Vergangenheit? Und wenn ja: wie viele waren es und wie beeinflussen sie dein derzeitiges Leben?
Was magst du am meisten?
Lebst du eher drinnen oder draußen?
Stehst du eher auf ältere oder auf jüngere Leute?
Was ist für dich die größte Herausforderung?
Was beschreibt dich am besten?
Was würdest du tun, wenn du im Lotto gewinnen würdest?
Wie lange brauchst du morgens, um dich fertig zu machen?
Wähle ein Hobby:
Millions mal
Millions mal
You have been reincarnated through many millions of lives. You have been a fly that lived only a day, a Redwood tree that lived 2,000 years, and a prehistoric beast that is undiscovered by people today. Living so many lives has given you confidence and empathy for all creatures, including the misunderstood. You are perceptive to moods and the energy given by your environment. Though you have seen so much, you know that there is always more to learn.
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More Quizzes: http://playbuzz.com/thelaststraw10 Take more of our quizzes, which include Disney quizzes, personality tests, 20th century nostalgia quizzes, movie trivia, lyrics quizzes, and more! You can even take "Do You Remember 'Grease?'" here: https://www.playbuzz.com/thelaststraw10/do-you-remember-grease
427,059 mal
427,059 mal
Your reincarnations have been spread across thousands and thousands of years. This experience comes through in how down-to-earth and understanding you are. You have been witness to all of human history, though you have not just been royalty and peasants. You have been a single-cell organism in the ocean, a dodo bird (before they became extinct), and a Roman general's fearless horse. When conflict arises, you see the deeper meaning and use the many lessons you have gathered throughout the ages.
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More Quizzes: http://playbuzz.com/thelaststraw10 Take more of our quizzes, which include Disney quizzes, personality tests, 20th century nostalgia quizzes, movie trivia, lyrics quizzes, and more! You can even take "Do You Remember 'Grease?'" here: https://www.playbuzz.com/thelaststraw10/do-you-remember-grease
3,722 mal
3,722 mal
You have seen thousands of lifetimes through centuries of history. While you haven't been reincarnated millions of times, you are not new to the challenges and joys of life. You are level-headed, make well-considered decisions, and work hard for what you want. You carry with you the life of the leader of a wolf pack, a honeybee cooperating in a hive, and a mighty maple tree gripping the side of a cliff with its roots. Your lives continue to influence you. The evidence is in how you are not petty and appreciate your blessings.
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More Quizzes: http://playbuzz.com/thelaststraw10 Take more of our quizzes, which include Disney quizzes, personality tests, 20th century nostalgia quizzes, movie trivia, lyrics quizzes, and more! You can even take "Do You Remember 'Grease?'" here: https://www.playbuzz.com/thelaststraw10/do-you-remember-grease
155 mal
155 mal
You have primarily been reincarnated as humans for the 155 lives you have lived. When the most challenging and pivotal times in history have occurred, you have been selected because you have the determination and resilience to thrive, not just survive. You have sparked a revolution, been born an outcast, and were the first many times. This experience makes you adaptable to any situation and sympathetic to those less fortunate.
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More Quizzes: http://playbuzz.com/thelaststraw10 Take more of our quizzes, which include Disney quizzes, personality tests, 20th century nostalgia quizzes, movie trivia, lyrics quizzes, and more! You can even take "Do You Remember 'Grease?'" here: https://www.playbuzz.com/thelaststraw10/do-you-remember-grease
8 mal
8 mal
Most of your past lives were spent in the animal and plant world. This is your first life as a human, so that would explain your difficulty trusting other people and your mysterious nature. You are struggling to understand the meaning of this particular life and you can get frustrated sometimes. You have been a lily pad in a pond and an eagle feeding her young. Those lives had lessons for you and so does this one. You have a free spirit and the positive energy to handle your many future lives.
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More Quizzes: http://playbuzz.com/thelaststraw10 Take more of our quizzes, which include Disney quizzes, personality tests, 20th century nostalgia quizzes, movie trivia, lyrics quizzes, and more! You can even take "Do You Remember 'Grease?'" here: https://www.playbuzz.com/thelaststraw10/do-you-remember-grease
Das ist dein erstes Leben!
Das ist dein erstes Leben!
The life you are living right now is your very first incarnation. This is the reason you are curious, spontaneous, and full of enthusiasm for life. You are free from the burden of troubled past lives and you are a clean slate ready to explore. At times you can be impatient and worried about how short life can be. Fear not. There are many wondrous adventures ahead. Learn all you can in this life to prepare you for the next.
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More Quizzes: http://playbuzz.com/thelaststraw10 Take more of our quizzes, which include Disney quizzes, personality tests, 20th century nostalgia quizzes, movie trivia, lyrics quizzes, and more! You can even take "Do You Remember 'Grease?'" here: https://www.playbuzz.com/thelaststraw10/do-you-remember-grease