How addicted to Facebook are you?
How addicted to Facebook are you?
Time for a Facebook detox?
Time for a Facebook detox?
How many Facebook friends do you have?
You update your Facebook status:
How many times a day do you open Facebook?
Your friends regularly have to repeat what they are saying when you are on Facebook
Is Facebook your main type of procrastination?
What is the longest period you've stayed off Facebook in the last 12 months?
How often do you get in an argument with someone on Facebook ?
Get rid of one thing in your life:
You lose sleep through Facebook
Could you live without Facebook?
Do you get annoyed if your Facebook profile photo gets less than 10 Likes?
You become restless or troubled if you are prohibited from using Facebook
You are 100% addicted to Facebook – time for a detox?
You are 100% addicted to Facebook – time for a detox?
You are slightly addicted to Facebook – time to cut down?
You are slightly addicted to Facebook – time to cut down?
You have the perfect Facebook / work / life balance – well done!
You have the perfect Facebook / work / life balance – well done!
You hate Facebook – delete your account now!
You hate Facebook – delete your account now!