What Type Of Rider Are You?
What Type Of Rider Are You?
Take the quiz.
Take the quiz.

You are entering a bowl turn with a guy just in front of you. What do you do?
You are coming up to a large triple. Do you scrub it?
How do you act when being interviewed?
How would you hit a rhythm section?
What do you do after you crash?
How would you describe yourself?
Laid Back
Laid Back
You are very chill on the bike. You don't really push it around unless you are in a tough battle. Just because your laid back doesn't mean you are slow, it just means you don't ride on the edge as often which means less mistakes.
You are willing to push it to the limit and do what ever you can do to win. You ride like a pro and even throw some pretty flashy whips every now and then.
As they say, slow is smooth and smooth is fast. You don't have to push it to the absolute limit to be fast, and that is what makes you an ultimate threat to your competition.
Bam-Bam Style
Bam-Bam Style
Well, there is no words to describe your riding style other than "Bam-Bam". You are completely reckless, very agressive, yet very fast. But when you crash, you crash big.
Let' just say I don't wanna be on the same track as you. You are a dirty rider and will do what ever is necessary to win.