What Norse GodAre You?
What Norse GodAre You?
Which one are you?
Which one are you?

Are You Male Or Female?
Choose a Weapon!
Choose a Helmet
Good or Evil?
Who do you fight during Ragnarock?
Thor the god of thunder and lightning. Vikings prayed to him before they went to battle, because he was brave and a great fighter. Thor had a hammer named Mjolner and was the son Odin and Frigga, his brothers are Baldr, Loki and Hodr.
Odin the god healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, battle, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet. He is the father of Thor, Baldr, Loki and Hodr. He is married to Frigga and is also known as Odin the Wander. He lost his eye by trading to Mimir for knowledge.
Tyr the god of war. He Lost his hand to Fenris, Loki's wolf son , Tyr put his hand in the wolfs mouth and said he was going to put a collar on him (the lesson of the story is trust), but when he put on the collar the wolf bit off his hand.
Loki the half trickster half frost giant. After he killed Baldr, cut off Sif's hair, and various other acts he was chained up in a cave under a poisonous snake which dropped poison in Frigga's bowl until she had to dump it which at that time Loki would get a few drops on him, this happened until Ragnarock. Also after cutting Sif's hair Thor broke his bones let him heal then broke them again 'till Loki said he would fix it. He went to the Dwarfs who made remade her hair out of gold and sewed it back on.
Sif was a godess known for her hair and beauty who married Thor and fought valantly in battle. Loki cut of her hair which dwarfs remade and sewed back on after Thor broke Loki's bones until he said he'd fix it.
Heimdall opens the bridge to Asgard and has a horn named Gjallarhorn which he sounds when intruders are approaching. During Ragnarok, the gods know that their doom is at hand when they hear the dire call of Gjallarhorn signaling the imminent arrival of the giants, who cross the rainbow bridge to storm Asgard and kill the gods. The disloyal Loki, the particular nemesis of the unwaveringly dutiful Heimdall, is with them. Loki and Heimdall slay each other as the world burns and sinks into the sea.
Freyr was one of the most widely and passionately venerated divinities amongst the heathen Norse and other Germanic peoples. When Loki had Sif's hair, Freyr's ship Skíðblaðnir and Odin's spear Gungnir fashioned by the Sons of Ivaldi, he bet his own head with Brokkr that his brother Eitri (Sindri) would not have been able to make items to match the quality of those mentioned above.
So to make gifts to Freyr, Eitri threw a pig's skin into a furnace as Brokkr worked on the bellows, and together they manufactured the boar Gullinbursti which had bristles in its mane that glowed in the dark.
Surtur the fire giant will be awakened in Ragnarock and will slay Freyr. In chapter 4 of the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, the enthroned figure of Third tells Gangleri (described as King Gylfi in disguise) about the location of Múspell. Third says that the bright and flaming region of Múspell existed prior to Niflheim, and it is impassable to those not native to the region. To defend Múspell, Surtr is stationed at its frontier. Third adds that Surtr has a flaming sword, and that "at the end of the world he will go and wage war and defeat all the gods and burn the whole world with fire". The stanza from Völuspá that foretells Surtr moving from the south is then quoted.[11] In chapter 18, Gangleri asks what will protect the fair hall Gimlé "when Surtr's fire burns heaven and earth".
In chapter 51 of Gylfaginning, High describes the events of Ragnarök. High says that "amid this turmoil the sky will open and from it will ride the sons of Muspell. Surtr will ride in front, and both before and behind him there will be burning fire. His sword will be very fine. Light will shine from it more brightly than from the sun." High continues that when the sons of Múspell ride over the bridge Bifröst it will break, and that they will continue to the field of Vígríðr. The wolf Fenrir and the Midgard Serpent will also arrive there. By then, Loki will have arrived with "all of Hel's people", Hrym, and all of the frost jötnar; "but Muspell's sons will have their own battle array; it will be very bright". Further into the chapter, High describes that a fierce battle will erupt between these forces and the Æsir, and that during this, Surtr and Freyr will engage in battle "and there will be a harsh conflict before Freyr falls". High adds that the cause of Freyr's death will be that Freyr is lacking "the good sword" that he once gave his servant Skírnir.