Which College Is Right For You?
Which College Is Right For You?
It's college admissions season.
It's college admissions season.
It's college admissions season, when millions of high school and college students are getting acceptance and rejection letters from the schools of their dreams, and their parents' dreams. Deciding where to spend a few, critically important years of your life can mean the difference between being happy and fulfilled, and lost and miserable. No pressure, though!
So, to help you decide - or just so you know - we've designed a quiz to match you to the ideal college for you. Here we go...
In high school, I was...
I like to read...
My idea of success is...
My favorite place to live would be...
For fun, I like to...
When I am new somewhere, I...
Ivy League
Ivy League
You've always had good grades and have been ambitious - only the best will do. Big things ahead...
Small Liberal Arts College
Small Liberal Arts College
You never liked the big city, or the pressure of knowing what career you want to have at the age of 18. You wanted to make friends and explore your interests. And, a beautiful, green campus helps!
Community College
Community College
You may not have had the best grades or opportunities growing up, but you're determined to move up and prove yourself in society. Big things to come!
Why Do I Have To Go To College?
Why Do I Have To Go To College?
Seriously, why? Many successful people around the country never went to college, and that's cool too! You probably didn't like school and felt you could do something cool anyway.