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Are You Actually A 90's Kid?

Or are you from a different era?

Martin Rycroft
Created by Martin Rycroft
On Dec 21, 2015

How do you hang up this phone?

Speaking of phones... have you ever played this?

This text is taken from a/an:

Do you have the slightest idea what this even is?

You are totally a 90s kid!

You are totally a 90s kid!

You are definitely a 90s kid! You're part of an extremely unique generation that was raised on the cusp of great technological transformation. You grew up knowing chalk, skateboards, jump rope and playing outside in the summer. You are a part of a generation right smack in the middle of old-school and millennial. You watched VHS tapes and DVDs, you know what it's like to be unplugged and glued to an iPhone all in the same lifetime.
Despite your technological prowess, you still remain very unsure of which era you actually prefer, because the nostalgia you have for the 90s is so strong that you ache for the way things used to be! But you rely so strongly on the technology and mechanics of the future. You are a 90s kid through and through!

You were probably born towards the end of the 90's!

You were probably born towards the end of the 90's!

You're definitely NOT a 90's kid! You were probably born towards the end of the 90's, but you spent the majority of your childhood in the 2000s! You preferred Britney Spears to the Spice Girls and already had an iPod before even knowing what cassette tapes were. You just missed the golden era of technology transformation, so the way of the future is all you know!

You're for sure NOT a 90s kid!

You're for sure NOT a 90s kid!

There is no way you're a 90s kid! In fact, you're not even a millennial! You were born into a generation that didn't rely on smartphones and computers, and knew the value of hard work. You are part of an era that remembers a non-digital world, a simpler time where human-to-human contact was how people interacted instead of staring at their screens all day! You've had to adjust to a new world of technology, but you'll always be a part of a time where people worked hard to succeed and survived without such complicated technology.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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