Do You Actually Remember The Most Iconic American Authors?
Do You Actually Remember The Most Iconic American Authors?
Let's take a trip down literature lane...
Let's take a trip down literature lane...
![Martin Rycroft](
Which author won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for their best-seller about 1930s race relations in the South?
Drawing on his experiences as a sailor, gold prospector and adventurer, San Francisco-born ____ _______ wrote a profusion of stirring stories, including tales about canines in the frozen North and voyages on the high seas.
Which author wrote an epic novel about a ferocious whale that destroys a ship, its vengeful captain and crew?
Who was considered the nation’s first published horror, mystery and science fiction writer?
This NY city born writer only wrote one full length novel in their career and it was one of the best-selling American novels of all time.
This Nobel Prize and Pulitzer Prize-winning author captured the social conscience of the nation with his captivating stories about California’s various ethnic and immigrant groups, migrant workers and displaced sharecroppers.
Known for his witty and satirical prose, and the colloquial dialogue of his characters, this author has been dubbed the Father of American Literature.
Who wrote “O Captain! My Captain!” about the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln?
Which author is known for their stories about sin, guilt and witchcraft in Puritan New England?
Who wrote novels and short stories about the optimism, aspirations and excesses of the Jazz Age?
This author wrote nearly 1800 poems and most of her work was discovered in her bedroom after her death.
Which author went on a safari to Africa, where he was almost killed in two successive plane crashes that left him in pain or ill health for much of his remaining life?
Who wrote The Crucible?
Which author and poet committed suicide by putting her head in the oven with the gas turned on?
Which author and playwright wrote Breakfast At Tiffany’s?
Who wrote Cat On A Hot Tin Roof?
Who wrote Sleepy Hollow?
The literary character Rabbit Angstrom was created by which Pullitzer Prize winning author?