Which Element Is Your Personality According To The Shapes You See?
Which Element Is Your Personality According To The Shapes You See?
Are you burning like fire or cool like water?
Are you burning like fire or cool like water?

Which shape did you see first?
You are creative, adaptive and deeply insightful. You are very driven and ambitious, you’re known as an over-achiever. You have a fiery and passionate disposition which can manifest itself either very negatively or very positively depending on your mood. You have a great sense of humor and strong social skills. Although you can be impatient and spontaneous to the point of being irresponsible, you are loyal, devoted and will always fight for what you believe in.
You are a philosophical and spiritual person with high levels of intelligence. You apply your knowledge to very practical matters, always making choices based on logic and rationale. You are organized, systematic and even obsessive/compulsive at times. You are patient and persevering and have amazing focus. One of your flaws is that you are sometimes oversensitive and tend to gloat when problems come your way, but you are grounded, highly intuitive and a good problem solver, for yourself and others.
You are all about balance, justice and stability. You put a great deal of effort in surrounding yourself with harmony and beauty, but you also go to extremes when having fun which can often result in unhealthy choices. You are empathetic, caring and a champion for underdogs that like yourself, go unappreciated often. You are incredibly perceptive, but sometimes you are too humble and don’t give yourself enough credit for your gifts. In spite of your introverted nature, you are a talented debater, orator and are extremely well-liked by many.
You are often deemed simple and unassuming - you prefer to accomplish goals in a quiet and humble way. You are honest, loyal and extremely intelligent; however, you can also be prone to sloth and laziness. The good news is you know this about yourself and try your best to motivate yourself to succeed. You are very artistic, poetic and philosophical and you make new friendships very naturally. You are easy to get along with and always know how to go with the flow.