What Do Guys Notice About You?
What Do Guys Notice About You?
Have you ever wondered what guys think about you, or what makes them like you? Find out with this quiz!
Have you ever wondered what guys think about you, or what makes them like you? Find out with this quiz!

How do you consider yourself?
What is one thing you focus on getting perfect when you get ready?
What is one thing you LOVE about yourself?
How do you get a guy to notice you?
Your crush just asked you out! What do you do?
Where would you want to go on your first date?
What do you wear on a date?
Your Eyes
Your Eyes
You have the ability to swoon a man with your beautiful eyes. Be proud because a lot of people don't have this quality.
Your Smile
Your Smile
You captivate men with your charming smile. Nobody can beat a smile like yours!
Your Personality
Your Personality
You are obviously an amazing girl and you captivate guys with your charming personality! Keep doing what you're doing because guys love a girl with a little out of the box flare.
Your Legs
Your Legs
Guys obviously notice your legs. This is a great thing because legs can be the sexiest part about you! Obviously the guy who has the hots for you, always notices your legs. Try short dresses or shorts to show off your greatest asset.
Your Scent
Your Scent
You captivate guys by smelling amazing if you are wearing perfume or not. You always smell amazing and guys love that about you! Whatever you're doing, it's working!
Your Clothes
Your Clothes
You have amazing style and guys appreciate that. They obviously think that your clothes make you super hot. Keep up you unique style!