Do you belong in Camp Jupiter or Camp Half-Blood?
Do you belong in Camp Jupiter or Camp Half-Blood?
Are you a Greek Demigod or Roman Legionaire?
Are you a Greek Demigod or Roman Legionaire?
Created by Mary Clifford (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Oct 28, 2015
Purple or Orange
Which do you prefer: Aphrodite or Venus
Which do you prefer: Athena or Minerva?
Who is a better leader?
Which do you prefer: Juno or Hera?
Which do you prefer: Hermes or Mercury
Who do you follow?
Camp Half-Blood
Camp Half-Blood
You are a Greek Demigod! You rely on yourself and ask for others aid when you need to. You confide to the Greek ways. You're CHB all the way!
Camp Jupiter
Camp Jupiter
Your a true Roman legionaire! You fight with others and work as a team. You confide to the Roman ways. SPQR and Twelfth Legion Fultinimate!
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These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021